- 𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 -

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1802: Cambridge, England

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1802: Cambridge, England.


— "YOU HAVE A LETTER M'LADY." My maid came into my chambers as I rested from the long time I had spent in the forest. I nodded and motioned for her to bring it over.
"Thank you Clara." I said and she curtsied while I side eyed her, she knew how much I hated the bowing.
"Sorry m'lady-..." she couldn't stop herself from saying it, it had been programmed in my mind. I laughed at her cuteness.
"You take the rest of the day off Clara and no arguments."

I took the letter and noticed the writing immediately, turning it over and seeing the black seal I smiled.
He still sent letters to me.
My dear friend Lucian had been growing older now but receiving my letters had apparently kept him young. I noticed the sun falling from the sky, soon to be replaced by a veil of shadow. I smiled and opened it immediately but faltered when I noticed the different handwriting inside. It was that of Lucians son, Dominic. I was curious as to why he would be writing me such a letter. I stood and walked to the window, reading the letter thoroughly as my lavender, floral dress dragged along the floor.

Upon reading it's contents and finishing the last word that was signed 'your loyal servant, Dominic.' I dropped the letter to the floor. I grabbed my stomach before I let out a painful shriek that didn't much resemble a scream but a cry of pain.
I fell to my knees, the dress bunching around me. As soon as the sun disappeared from the floor I felt the three presences I had grown used to.

Eric came to me first, kneeling in front of me on the floor and pulling me into his arms. I straddled his hips as he knelt and cried as he stroked my hair. I watched through teary eyes as Godric slowly stalked towards the letter and began to read it aloud.

"My sweet Nesryn, although I've never met you my father speaks so highly of you I have imagined you to be the queen.

Perhaps you are of some kind.

It brings me great sorrow to have to tell you this by letter, as words on a page is not enough to begin to explain such pain, but my father Lucian Blackrose was struck down by an opposing pack as of recent. He has passed on to be with his father and mother with God and we hope it brings you peace to know we rested him... by the lake where he used to spy on you so frequently.

I wish you health and happiness and I hope to one day meet you, for you were truly the woman that my father had always loved.

Your loyal servant, Dominic."

I screamed from pain and I felt as if I was about to throw up everything I had eaten in the past year. Eric just held my body to console me, but he himself felt great grief. Nora, who I had grown to love as my sister, had taken a shaken up Godric in her arms. I stood from Eric's arms and ran to the bathroom, throwing up my insides before screaming again.

I pulled myself out from the water of the bathtub and took a deep breath from where I had held myself under for so long. I scraped my hair back and looked at the time. Pam stepped in and raised her eyebrow at my naked form, I flushed at her crudeness but didn't cover myself.
"We're opening in 10... so move it along." The way she over annunciated her vowels in her southern drawl had always made me zone out. As she was about to walk out, I stopped her with my words.
"It happened again... the same flashback. Every time I shut my eyes, I just hear my own scream."

She tilted her head and walked over to me, tilting my head and up leaning down to me.
"Don't worry your pretty little head... maybe Eric can help." She winked and her long lashes emphasised her beautiful blue eyes. I nodded with a small, but troubled smile, and she walked out.

Here were are, 2008, Shreveport.

I stepped out of the bathroom in a simple towel, walking to my draws and searching for an outfit. I felt so out of it that I didn't notice Eric coming up behind me and sneaking his hands beneath my towel. Because of my unawareness when he did so I blasted him against the opposing wall, realising what I had done I ran to him and pulled him into my arms.

"Oh my God I'm so sorry... I was miles away." He chuckled and stroked my face gently.
"It's alright, in fact... I quite liked it." He shifted us to the wall, the towel falling to the floor. I looked down, remembering my own scream and the curvature of the font on the letter. I shut my eyes, it replaying over and over again. I shook my head to snap me out of it and only now could I hear Eric yelling at me.

"What's going on min ros (my rose)?"
"I don't know why Eric, but I keep replaying that moment in my head." He furrowed his brows and shook his head from not understanding.
"When I found out Lucian died, it ripped me apart. You know that. But after 200 years, why is it haunting me now? I hear my scream when I shut my eyes and the letter... I see it when I hold my breath. I remember... every single fucking detail of that moment and it keeps replaying my head and I don't know what to do." He calmed by a simple touch and took me in his arms like a lost child. I cried for a moment before Pam came in, she frowned at the moment and Eric just waved her out.

"These things will come and go my love, you mustn't dwell on what your brain brings up at times." he pulled away and looked into my eyes.
"Do not overthink this, understood?" I swallowed at his authority and nodded before he kissed my lips so quickly I missed them as soon as they were gone.
"Pam is waiting for you, what decade have you got in store for us tonight?" He said, putting on his jacket.
I picked up my towel and threw it on the bed before walking into the wardrobe and surveying the area.

Almost everything of mine was white with hints of colour while Eric maintained a spectrum of black to white in his clothing, not that I... didn't like it.
"What about this?" I said, walking out with a classic 50s dress I had worn to a Frank Sinatra birthday party.

"1956, what a year to be alive when you wore dresses like that

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"1956, what a year to be alive when you wore dresses like that."
"Oh please, you only like what I wore underneath."

"White stockings and nothing else... well yes, I do like that."

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