Chapter Fourteen

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"I see the bond between yourself and Tara is growing in strength," Legolas casually observed, leaning his hands on the window ledge behind him and crossing one ankle over the other. His gaze rested on his father, seated at his desk.

Ice blue eyes flicked up sharply to meet his. "I do not know what you speak of," he answered, his tone curt.

His son smirked. "I think you do," he said. "And I am not alone in what I see. Others are seeing it too. Rumours are aplenty around the realm."

A bundle of books hit the desk with a thud. "Rumours are nothing but the meddlesome creation of inactive minds," the King muttered. "Beings with nothing better to do than occupy their dull existence procuring ridiculous and unfounded fantasies."

"I have no romantic interest in her," Legolas said softly.

Another glare. "I care not whether you do or you do not," came the sharp reply. "Your romantic interests are no concern of mine unless they compromise your ability to carry out your duties."

The Prince lifted one eyebrow. "Father," he said, his tone quiet.

Thranduil sighed and looked at him.

"Things have changed," he said. "The past has gone, for good. It is time to turn the page and love again."

Anger flashed across the blue eyes that held his. "You know nothing," he snarled.

"I know more than you think," he replied, pushing himself away from the window. "I see things. I watch and observe things. I see more than you think."

With that, he padded across the thick rug and left the study, leaving his parent glaring after him.

Was he really that transparent? If Legolas could see the effect Tara had on him, the chances are she could see it too. And if she knew the feelings he had for her, knew the thoughts that filled his mind whenever he saw her, or knew what he wanted to do to her, she would pack up and leave as quickly as she had arrived.

Frowning to himself, he pursed his mouth as he continued to sort through the piles of paperwork that had been demanding his attention for days. Trying to organise a skilled approach to eliminating the spiders that inhabited the woods once and for all should have taken all his attention, but he found his focus continually wandering.

Thoughts of Tara filled his mind.

He wondered what she was doing, where she was, who she was with. Fantasies of holding her, kissing her, undressing her and making love to her steered his concentration away from matters of the realm, matters of safety and survival. His body reacted every time he thought of her, hardening to a painful level as it silently begged for release.

Pushing his lascivious thoughts to the back of his mind, he took a deep breath and made a conscious effort to deal with what had to be done regarding the spiders.


Feeling at a loose end, Tara wandered around the depths of the palace. She had been out feeding the goats and the pigs with Asira, and the two of them had managed to get themselves absolutely filthy in the process. The maid had gone to her room to wash, and Tara had taken a quick bath and changed. With her friend having her chores to catch up with, she decided to go exploring.

Large parts of the palace seemed new to her, even though she had roamed freely all around as a young elfling. The passing of so many years had dulled her memory of different parts, and it felt like she was seeing many things for the first time.

She ran her fingertips along a beautiful tapestry as she passed, one depicting a forest scene with trees, plants, flowers, and the large white stag staring out towards the observer. The beauty and the detail fascinated her, the animal seeming so life-like as it gazed out at her. Further along the passageway was a plain door, and her curiosity piqued as she wandered towards it.

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