Chapter One

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The green, leafy surroundings flashed past as the elleth hurtled through the woods, frantically trying to outrun her pursuers. The woodlands were dense around her; branches catching on her skirts and her body as she ran. Her chest hurt as she panted hard for breath, and her legs ached. Her head whipped round to measure how much distance there was between herself and her predators, her heart falling as she realised the gap between them was closing rapidly.

She pushed on, her heart pounding and her lungs burning. Sounds of the large beasts crashing through the undergrowth behind her filled her ears, causing her terror to spike even higher. She elbowed her way through the foliage, grabbing branches and using them to propel her body faster. The ground beneath her feet was slippery from recent rain, and she slid as she fought for purchase.

Scrambling quickly up the embankment that loomed up in front of her, she grasped exposed roots and hauled herself up towards the crest. Branches behind her snapped as heavy bodies charged after her, a heavy stench filling the surrounding air. Growls and distorted speech filtered past her as she fled for her life.

She was almost at the top when something grabbed her ankle, and she fell with a scream. The air around her split as an arrow flew past her and the grip loosened instantly. She flipped forwards and continued to make for safety as she caught sight of several armed patrol guards lining up their arrows. The succession of missiles shot by and they hurried past her, sliding down the muddy slope with swords drawn. The deafening clash of steel echoed through the woods, accompanied by war cries and screams of death.

She fell to her knees at the top of the embankment, dirty, soaked, and exhausted.

Almost immediately, hands gripped her upper arms and dragged her to her feet, and she found herself being led through the forest, held on either side by guards.


Thranduil lazed on his throne, his disdainful gaze sweeping the vast, cavernous area. His ice blue eyes settled on the captain of the patrol unit that had returned in the last half hour as he hurried along the walkway towards him. He crossed one long leg over the other as he awaited the guard's approach, casually drumming his fingers on the arm of the throne.

"My Lord," the captain greeted him, sinking down onto one knee and bowing in respect.

"What news is there from your patrol?" the King asked, his tone bored already.

The captain rose to his feet. "We have apprehended a trespasser," he informed him.

One heavy eyebrow arched in interest.

"An elleth," the guard continued. "She was being hunted by a group of orcs."

"And what became of them?" Thranduil asked.

"We slaughtered them at the scene," he replied. "The prisoner is down in the lower hall under guard, my Lord."

The King inhaled through his nose. What was a lone elleth doing in his forest? And why was she being hunted? "Very well. Bring her to me for questioning," he commanded. "I wish to hear what she has to say."

"Very good, my Lord," the captain answered with a bow, and swiftly retraced his steps.

Thranduil watched him disappear from sight, his mind curious.

Before long, the guard returned, accompanied with another. Between them, they marched a ragged elleth. The group came to a few steps away from the base of his throne, awaiting instruction.

He stared down at them. The guards stood proud, uniform in their stance and purpose. The elleth however, had her head lowered and her gaze turned downwards, her hands clasped before her.

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