My Dear Old Friend..

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A/N: I am not a pro at this. I don't know what I'm doing, yet I do at the same time. Some things may not be ACCURATE, but I'm trying my best. My grammar also might not be the best, but try to ignore it. I will also be switching some things up from the actual anime/manga, so keep that in mind!

TW// This story contains topics that might not be suitable to some readers. Such as; suicide, depression, death, etc. Proceed at your own risk.

10 Years Prior

"Natsu.. you won't ever leave me, right?"

"Of course not! I'll be with you forever and ever!"

That's the promise 8 year old Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel made to each-other. Too bad that promise were to be broken.

2 Years Before That

"Waaahh! Leave me alone you big meanie!" Lucy cried out.

A boy with black hair was picking on her. He called her names and pulled on her blonde pigtails.


Lucy was pushed to the floor. Bullying was always a problem for her. She was so close to giving up and letting the boy get his way.


"Hey! Leave her alone! Don't ya know you're not suppose to pick on girls!" A boy with pink hair rushed in and pulled the boy away from her.

"Oh yeah! Who's gonna stop me?" The black haired boy asked, ready to fight.

"Please don't fight! Fighting is scary!" Lucy yelled, stopped the boys from getting any further.

"Tch. Whatever. Y'all are boring." And with that, the black haired boy walked away, kicking a stone as he walked.

The pink haired boy helped Lucy to her feet.

"Hi! I'm Natsu Dragneel. What's your name?"

"I-I'm Lucy.. Lucy Heartfilia. Want to be friends?"

"Of course! Come on.. I want you to meet Happy!"

That day, Natsu introduced her to his cat, Happy.

2 Years Later, Again

Natsu hugged Lucy as she cried.

Her mother had just died. She has nobody left, except for Natsu. Her father was her only family, considering her mother died soon after she was born.

"Don't cry, Lucy. It'll be okay! I promise." Natsu held her tighter as her small body stay still.

"He was all I had left! I'm all alone now!" Lucy cried.

"That's not true. I'm here, too."

"Natsu.. you won't ever leave me, right?"

"Of course not! I'll be with you forever and ever!"


"Pinky Promise!"

And Lucy believed him.

Natsu and Lucy: Age 11
Christmas Day

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