"I hear someone always says that to stay positive but they got worst." The comment made the brunette feel like she's shrinking.

Kaho smiled to the two's chemestry before seeing Akizuki smiling towards a certain brunette, but then looked away when he felt the girl looking at him.

Suddenly, they heard something banging the wall. They all look behind them and saw Dino banging his head on the wall. "It's my fault!"

Karin look at the manager, deadpanning over to his behavior. "What's up with him?"

"Apparently, Kaho said that manager walked Maika to the station last night when it rains, but it looks like Maika got soaked going from the station to her house." Akizuki replied, crossing his arms.

"And she got a cold from that?"

Dino kept banging his head on the wall leaving his blood painted on it. "If I'd given her my umbrella! If only I given it to her!" He then kneeled to the ground.

Karin cringed as her nose crunch up. "I-I'm not cleaning that stain..."

Kaho then turn to the two, suddenly came up an idea. "Why not we go and visit her?! Me and Mafuyu are planning to visit her tomo--"

Mafuyu reacted fast when the young waitress said their plan. "Kaho, hush!"

Kaho realize what she had just said before hearing Dino suddenly and came dashing to them. "I'll go, too!"

Mafuyu sighed as Kaho laughed nervously for exposing their plan.

"But I think I won't be joining you guys tomorrow." Karin said, making Kaho reacted.

"Eh? Why not?!"

Karin sadly smiled at her. "I feel like my fever is getting higher so I was planning to rest tomorrow since it's Saturday and all..."

"Come to think of it, Akizuki you wanted your day break tomorrow, too, right? Even though I already accepted it." The manager blurt out, suprise at how it was convient it was that both of them are not working tomorrow.

The other chef felt his face going red before glaring at him. "H-Hey! I thought I told you to NOT tell anyone!"

"Oh~" The blonde girl smirked before leaning onto Karin. "What do we have here~"

"K-Koyo lives nearby and he insisted to take care of me after I've been helping him out in the kitchen for the past months I've been working here..." Karin was blushing the whole explanation, even though she wanted to just run away from there.

"It's time to open, everyone! Let's go to our stations now!" The manager announced as all of them decided to drop the topic down and staretd their work.

Both the couple sighed in relief, not wanting to share the news to them yet in order to avoid getting a mouthful of tease from them.


The next day had came. As she had said, Karin was seating on the couch in her winter clothes to prevent getting cold from the fan above. Even though she had turned the air conditioner off, she had left the fan on to not feel hot at the same time. She was watching something on the tv, completely in-gross to the show.

Akizuki walked in with a cup of warm water, placing it in front of the girl. "Drink some water. You need a lot of it."

The girl smiled and grab the cup before gulping down the water down. She put it back and leaned in on Akizuki's shoulder. The action had froze the boy up as he awkwardly shifting. This made Karin notice immediately. "Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"

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