Chapter Twenty One: Fate's A Bitch

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"He can't seriously be trying to rent that place out, can he?" she snaps.

"It's Terrence. I would've been more surprised if he wasn't trying to get some sucker in there," Jade sighs. "By the way, we're doing movie night at my place tonight. I've already been at both the grocery store and the liquor board so all anyone needs is their ass in pyjamas and any extra blankets and pillows they want."


By the time the first movie is over, Oscar is cuddled up against Pierre, slightly snoring. Carter and Yumi have migrated to the floor, the latter leaning up against the former. Jade picks her laptop up, switching back to the Netflix main page.

"Any requests? Anything anyone wants to see?" she asks.

"Wake Oscar up and then pick something scary," Carter jokes. "If he's going to pick some history movie then pass out, we're scaring his ass awake."

"The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas is a great movie and not just because it's about history," Oscar mumbles, sitting up.

"And horror movies are amazing as well."

"I don't get horror sometimes. Why do people want to be scared?" Yumi asks, leaning her head onto Carter's shoulder.

"Because it's exciting and gets the blood flowing!"

"You're a psychopath, Carter," Pierre laughs. "You'd think after the shit we went through in the fall, you'd never want to be close to horror again."

"I don't know. There's a certain comfort in seeing people end up worse off that we were. I don't know. Even being stabbed wasn't the worst part of all that; it was trying to take the knives out of you guys quickly without causing more damage. I think that was the worst part of all of that."

"Worse than being back in the accident in your nightmare?" Jade asks as she gets up to make more popcorn.

"I think that was the second worst part of all of that."

Jade hands her computer to Carter so she can pick a movie before leaving the room. Yumi sits up and starts to tie her hair back.

"You know, I'll finally say it. You were right. You were right about Hensley. We shouldn't have trusted her. As soon as we learned she was in Apartment Thirteen, we should've ran the fuck away," Oscar sighs.

"That's not your nature, though. If you would've run from Hensley and the chance to learn more about Apartment Thirteen, I think we all would have thought you were the one possessed," Pierre tells him, pressing a kiss to Oscar's cheek.

Oscar leans back into Pierre, putting his arms around Pierre's waist. He closes his eyes, pulling his glasses off his face and setting them on the armrest. Jade comes back into the room, a fresh bowl of popcorn in one hand, her phone in the other.

"Eh, no phones on movie night," Yumi teases.

"I'm sorry but curiosity is taking over. If Terrence actually listed Apartment Thirteen, I want to know. He knows that the story is still huge news right now."

She drops down on the couch next to Pierre, scrolling through apartment listings in her area. Sure enough, the ad for Apartment Thirteen is back up. She groans and tosses her phone onto the end table.

"Un-fucking-believable," she snaps. "He's actually trying to rent it out."

"Corporate greed," Carter sighs, taking the bowl of popcorn out of Jade's hands. "He also probably needs the money to cover the lawsuit from the Brookes family."

"What are they suing him for?"

"I don't know. I just know they're trying to solve it out of court because of how bad of press it would be. Terrence would be forced to sell his building."

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