Chapter Five: Crash and Burn

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Hensley and Carter move the mirror, trying to get Jade to approve its position. Hensley lets out a silent sigh, already knowing that the mirror is being put up for Jade's sake, not hers.

"Stop! Right there!" Jade announces.

Jade approaches the girls and presses the hangers to the wall, making the mirror hang. Then, all three step back, Carter moving over to stand next to Yumi. Jade immediately approaches the mirror, starting to look at her makeup. She presses up on the underside of her lashes then stops, glaring at the glass. She rubs one hand across it then sighs.

"This mirror needs to be cleaned very badly. Hensley, where can we get glass cleaner?" she asks.

"Under the kitchen sink," Hensley tells her before approaching the mirror and running one hand down the side of it.

"Okay. I'll be right back."

Jade walks out of the room, both Carter and Yumi following her. Hensley stays behind, staring at the mirror.

"Okay. That whole situation felt weird," Carter whispers as soon as the girls get into the kitchen. "Shopping, hanging it, and now even how she's reacting to there being a new mirror in her room."

"Okay, but she did originally say the mirror being there freaked her out," Jade argues.

"I think it was more the mirror hanging itself back up that set her off."

"Hold up. If she doesn't like mirrors in bedrooms, why did we just take her to replace it?" Yumi asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because Jade likes mirrors and she's planning to spend a lot of time here," Carter jokes, elbowing Jade in the side.

"Don't make fun of me like that. I mean, I would love to spend more time here but-"

A loud crash and shattering noise comes from Hensley's room. The girls exchange a look then head there, seeing mirror shards all over the floor and Hensley holding onto one of her hands, blood leaking through her fingers and dripping to the floor.

"Holy shit," Carter explains. "Are you okay?"

"It started to fall. I tried to catch it but..." Hensley explains, her voice trembling.

Hensley bends down, starting to pick up shards.

"Stop," Jade orders. "Why don't you go with Carter and she can look at your hand? Yumi and I can get the boys and we will deal with this."

Hensley nods, her face going pale. Carter takes Hensley's arm and guides her into the bathroom. She turns on the tap and gets Hensley to run her hands under the water.

"I'll be right back!" Yumi calls. She leaves the apartment, heading for Oscar's place where the boys are.

Carter digs around in the drawers to find rubbing alcohol, tweezers, and bandages.

"Are you okay?" Carter asks Hensley as she digs around.

"I think so. I just- I don't know."

Carter finds what she needs to and pulls Hensley's hand out from the water. While she cleans up Hensley's hand and tries to look for any shards left behind, Yumi comes back with the boys. Pierre and Yumi head for the room where Jade has already started cleaning while Oscar approaches the bathroom.

"What happened? Are you okay?" he asks.

"Two mirrors in twelve hours. What's the rule? I'm going to die in seven days?" Hensley jokes.

"I think that's from The Ring," Carter laughs. "Isn't it seven years of bad luck, then another seven on top for today?"

"No. I think I read online that if a mirror falls from a wall on its own, someone in the house is going to die."

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