Chapter Fifteen: Power of Pain

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Yumi loops her arms through Carter's, laughing and leaning into her as they walk out the front of the building.

"Okay, don't you dare even try to argue that," Yumi laughs. "There's no way in hell."

"How do you know there's no way? It could totally happen."

They reach Yumi's car but before they get in, Carter stops, her hand on the handle. Her gut is telling her something is wrong. Yumi notices Carter's strange actions and pauses.

"What?" Yumi asks. "Are you having another disturbance in the force moment?"

"Very much so," Carter admits, starting to look around. "Something's not right."

She walks out from between the cars and starts looking around. Almost instantly, her eyes find Jade laying in the middle of the parking lot, unconscious.

"Oh my fucking God, Jay!" she yells.

Carter runs over towards her friend, Yumi not too far behind. Carter drops to her knees next to Jade, taking one wrist in her hands to look for a pulse while leaning over to listen to her breathing. Yumi sits on her heels next to Carter, watching the other girl work.

"She's breathing and there's a pulse," Carter sighs in relief. "Can you run inside and get the boys? Don't say anything to Hensley."

Yumi nods and gets up, heading for the building. She approaches Oscar's patio and slams her hand against the glass.

"Captain! Perry!" she calls out. "We need you!"

She continues knocking until Oscar pulls the curtains back. He raises an eyebrow at Yumi but opens the door anyway.

"I thought you and Carter-" Yumi cuts him off.

"We found Jade and think she's hurt."

Yumi turns and runs back to Carter and Jade, seeing that they haven't moved. After a minute, Pierre and Oscar come outside, Oscar already on the phone.

"Yes. I'm the one who filed the report. She's alive but we don't know what happened because she's currently unconscious," Oscar explains to whoever he's on the phone with. "I can't see any injuries but we really don't know what's going on or what happened."

Pierre kneels at Jade's other side, slightly shaking her. Instantly, Carter bats his hands off her.

"If she has any sort of spinal cord injury-"

Jade groans, rolling her head to the opposite side. She slowly bats her eyes a few times before opening them. She tries pushing herself up, though she feels totally weak. Carter and Pierre each take one of her arms, helping support her.

"Easy," Carter coaxes. "Take it easy."

She groans and leans into Pierre. He sits down, wrapping his arms around her to support her.

"Okay she's awake," he tells the operator. Then he turns to Carter. "Ambulance?"

"No fucking ambulance," Jade curses numbly.

Carter shakes her head, mouthing 'We're good, I'll fight with her later' to Oscar. He nods back.

"I think we're okay. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience."

He hangs up and approaches Pierre, grabbing Jade's hands. Pierre releases her and she stands up with Oscar's help. As soon as she's standing, he loops one arm around the small of her waist to support her.

"Come on. Let's get you inside," he encourages.
She nods, leaning into him. Pierre gets up, going to her other side to help Oscar. They help her get inside, supporting her the entire time. Yumi stays ahead of the group, opening all the doors for them. As she fights to get Jade's door open, Hensley leaves Apartment Thirteen.

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