Chapter Six: The Beginning

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Pierre's eyes crack open, his phone going off like crazy on his nightstand. He looks at the clock, seeing it's just after one am. He picks up the phone, looking at the top text ID.

New Message from Yumi Tse

He sighs, not really having the energy to deal with his friend. He goes to set his phone back down but another text comes through.

New Message from Carter Lovelock

He sighs. Since they're only texts, he assumes that whatever it is can wait until morning. He turns his phone off to avoid dealing with the messages and rolls to his other size, pulling his blanket over his head. He closes his eyes, debating going to take a tablet of melatonin since he doesn't really need to be awake early the next morning. He adjusts his pillow, not feels like he'll be able to get comfortable again.

"Pierre Duvall!"

His head shoots up only to see his parents looming over him, disappointment on both their faces.

"How dare you?" his father asks. "We got rid of her for a reason. Why do you still contact your sister? She doesn't deserve our family."

"And you're also going to tarnish our family name like that? There are plenty of good girls out there. But no. You go after the first boy who decided he also was cursed to believe it's alright to be with someone of the same gender?" his mother gasps.

"Mom. Dad. Please," Pierre begs, getting up. "Just let me explain. I can explain."

"'You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.' Leviticus 18 verse 22," his father quotes. "'If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.' Leviticus 20 verse 13."

"Dad, please," Pierre asks.

"You are a disgrace. You are defective."

"You saw what we did to your sister when she fell pregnant at sixteen," her mother cries. "However, you think that you can be, that, and that you won't meet the same fate."

"No. Mom, don't do this."

"Consider us not your parents anymore. Never contact us again," his father snaps, spit coming out with his words.

They take a step back away from him as they fade from the room. Pierre tries to grab onto either of them but they turn to dust in his hands. He looks at his hands, seeing the uneven layer of dust on his skin. His heart beats out of his chest as he lets them fall, the dust scattering on the floor.

And then his phone goes off again. His eyes shoot wide open, something feeling wrong. He just shut off his phone. It shouldn't be able to let notifications through once it's off. After sitting himself fully up, he grabs onto the phone. More messages, one coming in every few seconds to the group chat that he and his friends made.

New Message from Jade Witt

New Message from Yumi Tse

New Message from Oscar Finley

New Message from Oscar Finley

New Message from Jade Witt

New Message from Carter Lovelock

New Message from Oscar Finley

He suspects that something bad must have happened, that being the only reason in his mind that his friends would blow up his phone at one in the morning. He grabs the device, sighing in frustration. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and unlocks his phone, staring at the ground chat.

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