Chapter Seventeen: I Dare You

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Jade knocks on Oscar's door twice more, sighing in frustration. She checks the time on her phone, only getting more frustrated with Oscar.

"Come on, Captain!" she calls out. "Open the door! We're gonna be late!"

When he continues to ignore her, she shakes her head and pulls out her keys, unlocking the door and walking inside. She crosses her arms, casually strolling into Oscar's room.

"Oh Captain, my Captain. Did you-"

She cuts herself off when she steps on something and it crushes under her foot with a crunch. When she picks up her foot, she noticed Oscar's glasses laying on the ground, now broken. She picks them up, turning them in her hands.

"Okay Oscar. You can be a space case but you're not an idiot. You wouldn't leave these laying on the floor. What happened to you?"

She looks at his empty bed then drops to her knees, looking under it. She crosses her arm and slowly walks out of the room, heading for the living room. When he's not there either, she sighs.

"Come on Oscar. This isn't funny. We need to go."

She walks back into his room, sinking into her desk chair. She pulls out her phone to call him but then she gets an idea. She gets up, approaching the closet.

"Captain, don't tell me you're back in the closet," she sighs. "I know how long it took you to come out in the first place and you don't need to be back in there."

She pulls open the closet and moves his clothes out of the way, the sight nearly stopping her heart. She takes a step back, falling onto Oscar's bed as she covers her mouth with both hands.

He's sitting on the floor, looking paler than ever. His arms are around his stomach and he's hunched over. Jade approaches him, trying to rub his arm, though he flinches away from her touch. She jumps to her feet and runs into the hall, nearly running over Carter and Yumi. She grabs onto Carter's arm with both hands.

"Call an ambulance," Jade orders before turning and running back into the apartment.

Carter and Yumi exchange a look before Carter turns back to Oscar's place.

"Call an ambulance then get Pierre," Carter repeats before following Jade.

Carter enters Oscar's room, seeing Jade on the floor, staring into the closet.

"Watch out," Carter orders.

Jade backs up and Carter takes her place. She grabs Oscar's wrist to feel his pulse. He tries to pull away but she keeps a firm grip.

"Pulse is there but it's weak," Carter explains.

"So what do we do?"

Carter sighs, shaking her head.

"I don't have a fucking clue."


All they can do is watch when the paramedics bring Oscar out. He's strapped to the stretcher, barely conscious. Jade tightens her grip on Hensley's waist, turning her head so she doesn't have to look at Oscar. While two paramedics put the stretcher in the back of the ambulance, a third approaches the group. He looks to Jade, though she can't meet his eyes.

"Are you his girlfriend?" the paramedic asks her.

"No," Pierre interrupts. "I'm the boyfriend."

"Son, are you wanting to come in the ambulance with your boyfriend to the hospital?It would be beneficial to have you in the ER when he wakes us."

Pierre opens his mouth but Carter speaks up before he can.

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