Day After

19 2 0

After the therapy it was necessary to begin to walk a new way. All the learning and the conclusions must reborn in the new framework to get the practical aspects. It was time to went in the real world and interact with persons in professional context.

I took two decisions: get out of the geographical area and avoid to lead process and/or personnel. 

So, the first one was to help to forget the past and unpleasant situations related to those places. The other was taken because it was necessary to learn again to take decisions namely in stress context.

So, the mind again will be my great ally. Most of all, thinking the words and behavior given the facts.

«The luck is always with the venture»

And I win a job near my beach, about 150 miles from that place to forget and with technical support skill. The main task was to support the Project Manager to decide solutions in infrastructures affected by design mistakes.

And after a couple months I was promoted to Supervisor with legal responsibilities about the security of the construction works and the quality of materials applied.

The fact being near the beach, see the sunset in a terrace, smell the waves, and watching happy people, in vacations, was the transformation of a new perspective of real life. See the happiness working.

It is amazing how the environment is so essential to our well-being. Being in other home, land, colleges and work is much better than chemical therapy or hospital treatment.

But the present finally came. In the middle of September of 2019, I received three proposals to go finally to Angola. It was the happiest day of 2019.

And 18 months have passed. And in fact, now I believe that I am a new person, even more old in age.

But a 60 years old guy isn't a vintage professional? And like Port wine the vintages are the best.

Nothing to lose, old boy. And a life full of surprises.

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