A devil of my word(season 1 final)

Start from the beginning

Blake: On it.

Blake jumps down onto the connectors and gets ready to cut the connection, but as she does, the connection comes loose on its own.

Blake: Huh? Looking up at Oobleck, It decoupled itself!

Oobleck: What?!

Yang: I guess he really doesn't want us on this train.

As Oobleck looks back at the detached cart, it explodes in the tunnel.

Oobleck: That's not good...
Ruby: standing next to another open hatch Err, neither is this!

Blake: Getting back up on top of the train Another bomb?!

Charlie: More!

Oobleck: looks around and runs to the next train car No. No. No.
Opens the hatch and looks in, then yells back to everyone They ALL have bombs!

Y/n: Constantine, are you able to send them elsewhere?

Constantine: I'm Afraid not mate; from what I am hearing, the bombs will detonate on their own if they are interfere with.

Y/n: that means we got to do it the old fashion ways,

y/n jumps inside the cart, he looks at the bomb trying to find a way to stop it, he looks around to see if something can help him,

Y/n: there's nothing here, shit the door is chained up so I can't go to the other carts.

Charlie: y/n behind you!!!

Y/n: huh?

He turns around to be kicked in the chest by Vandel, sending him through the door, causing him to fly off the train. Y/n hits ground knocked out

Weiss: Y/N!!

Charlie: damn you!!!!

Stared down at Vandel, he just waved and runs to a different cart,

Constantine: relictum spiritum pourgations!!!

A shield covers y/n keeping him from being attack while he's there.

Weiss: we need to go get him!!

Constantine: holds her back, listen, love, he's saved right now, but we need to stop this train from going up in smoke

Weiss: I...I. Fine, let's go!!

A short time skip, after destroying everyone who was trying to stop them from keeping the train from exploding, they found out that Torchwick wanted to lead grim to the city; they were going cart to cart fighting their own battle. Charlie and Weiss enter a cart where vandel was there.

Charlie: Weiss get going. This is my fight.

Weiss: wait, he's the one that kicks y/n off the train.

Charlie: I know, but your no match for him get
going! Now!

Weiss: fine. She goes on

Vandel: why even try? Your best option was kicked out.

Charlie: well, I have a lot of problems that need fixing.

Vandel: takes out the demon blade, this time I'll end you...

Charlie: then Come and get it!

Vandel charged towards him, lifting his blade into the air and striking down with it. Charlie blocked the attack and dodged another swing, then went on the offensive. Charlie went for a couple of punches, which were all blocked by vandel. As he went for a massive strike,  Charlie saw an opening and quickly rushed under his blade and kicking him hard in the gut, making him spit out blood. Charlie begins to feel the effect of the demon blade feeling worn out.

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