Azron placed down the plate as he pulled Azealah to his chest and started to feed her and himself.

Ever since Azealah got here, this has been the way they eat. It's always Azron feeding his tiny mate and pushing her limits so she could eat more.

He just wanted to make sure she doesn't sleep hungry and that she gets all her nutritions

Azron continued to feed his girl until the plate was empty. Azealah's didn't even bother to move away as she climbed on Azron's lap even more and nuzzled in his neck taking in his manly scent.

Her mate placed their empty plate on the nightstand as he held her closer to him.

They seem to always be holding each other but neither of them cared or could help it. The constant need to be in your mate's arms is way stronger than any need or addiction you could ever have.

A little squeak forced them out of their trace as both mates looked down to see Coal on top of Crystal tickling her.

Azron smirked as he continued to watch them. This gave him an idea.

His big hands moved up from Azealah's hips so now they were resting on her upper stomach. Azealah moves her gaze so now they were on him as she looked at him curiously.

Suddenly his fingers started to move and shake as he tickled her. Her laughs immediately filled the room as Azron grinned at the beautiful sight of her laughing.

He flipped her so now she was under him as he continued with his torture. He has her hands above her head and his legs between hers so she couldn't move away.

Her body continued shaking with laughter as he didn't stop tickling her. He slowly stopped and just stared at her with a grin on his face as she was still laughing.

She finally stopped giggling and stared up at him. Her smile faded as she started to sinfully think about kissing him.

A cute blush rosed up her cheeks as she was unable to look away from his dark eyes.

Azron started to slowly lean in uncontrollably as his eyes found her pink and full lips and couldn't look away from them.

Azealah tilted her head slightly excited to finally come even closer with her mate.

Azron stopped leaning in as he was only two centimeters away from her. They were now breathing the same air.

Then the most unexpected thing happened,


———— ———— ———— ———-

In Heaven;

"This is unacceptable!" Screamed Hera, the Goddess of air, as she continued to look at Azealah in the monster's arms eating happily.

God decided to have a meeting with all the Goddesses to update them about Azealah's situation.

He couldn't lie and say he wasn't surprised at the sight of the innocent Angel in the demon's arms but this is proof that everyone deserves a chance.

He had a cloud screen in the front as all the Goddesses continued to watch the two mates interactions.

Almost all the Goddesses agreed with Hera. Some even thought the Angel should be punished for breaking God's words and going to Hell to see him when she wasn't allowed to.

But God already knew that this would happen. He already expected for the sweet-hearted Angel to go to Hell to be with her mate but he wasn't expecting her to go after only almost three days of being away from him. He thought it would take longer.

God held his right hand up and everyone immediately went silent.

"What's not acceptable here? Look at them! They look happy and we agreed to let Azealah be with him if he wasn't hurting her. And if Azealah went to Hell by herself to meet him then obviously he wasn't hurting her." Explained God as he tried to make the Goddesses understand where he was coming from.

At first, he would've been the first person to reject that demon with Azealah being alone but now, he can't believe he's saying this, but he accepts him. And by the look of Selene's face, she accepts him too.

"But she still went against your words!" Sneered Amphitrite, the goddess of water, as she looked at God.

Before God could answer Selene stood up,

"She is my daughter and only I and God have a saying in her relationships and punishments. If God decides no punishments then that means no punishments. My daughter's happiness is mine and-" Selene turned to look at the cloud screen to where Azealah was laughing under the Demon as he was tickling her,

"She obviously looks happy with him and that's all the matters to me." Finalized the Moon Goddess.

Most Goddesses looked at her with admiration at her speech and love for her daughter. While other Goddesses looked at her with disgust as to why she would let her Angel daughter with a Demon but Selene didn't care.

The smile on her Angel's face is enough to let her know she's safe with her Demon mate.

"I'm going to visit her." Announced Selene.

Before anyone could say anything, Selene went through the cloud screen as she disappeared in the screen.

______ ______ ______

Back in Hell;

"Hello Angel. You don't seem to be missing me as much as I'm missing you." Came a soft and gentle voice from across their room as both, Azealah and Azron, turned and gasped at who was standing there.

The Moon Goddess. Azealah's mother.

Fuck. me. thought Azron in panic and frustration.


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