Home to You (Every Night)

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As soon as she was released from the hospital, everyone slid into their normal routine. Only now, the constant touches, the eye that gazed too long, the hands that sometimes strayed a little too far, were accompanied by small smiles. The small uptick of their lips were the only indication of that night in the hospital, aside from Felicity's extra training with Diggle.

It wasn't until a month later, during a late night in the foundry, when Felicity got hurt sparring with Diggle, that there was a reference to The Promise, as Felicity had begun to refer to it in her head. They had just escalated to learning the basics with the eskrima sticks, to practice working with a weapon, when one struck her on the arm.

"Ouch!" She yelped at the sting that was now turning the surrounding area red. Before she could even blink, Oliver was at her side, cradling the tender skin gently in his hand, examining it with care. She barely even noticed Digg and Roy standing behind her, looking at her with concern and Oliver with mirth. She was too occupied by the the spark his touch ignited wishing her nerves, causing goosebumps to spread across her skin.

"Are you okay?" He murmured softly in her ear, oblivious to the shivers it sent down her spine.

"I'm fine," she stuttered, "just a sting. I'll get some cream for it. It'll be good as new." He stared down at her, brows furrowed, and eyes filled with concern, but she shook it off, pulling away to put some distance, because lord knows she can't control herself around him.

"Besides," she throws over her shoulder, with a teasing smile, "I'm a big girl Oliver."

He knows she's teasing. He can see it in her eyes, in the playful uptick of her lips, and in the wink she throws to him, Roy, and Digg. But he knows that some part of her is referring to that night. He knows that she's referring to her statement about being able to make her own choices.

Her words ring in his ears, etched into his mind, all day long.

Later that night, it was just the two of them left in the foundry. Digg and Roy had both called in an early night, as Digg had a date with Lyla and Roy had lost a bet with Thea, and had to help her at Verdant all night. Assuring them they could handle it, Felicity all but shoved them out the door, and went back to focusing on her screens. Oliver softly broke through the silence that had blanketed them,

"Go ahead and head home, Felicity."

"Oh, are you done already?" She questioned.

He shook his head, before realizing she couldn't see him.

"I'm just gonna take one last patrol, and then I'll turn in too."


"It's okay, I'll be fine. It's just a final patrol. I promise, I'm not stupid enough to take on a problem I know I can't solve without your help," he assured, a small smirk tugging at his mouth. She let out a resigned sigh.

"Fine, but only because I'm tired and there's a season of Doctor Who with my name on it. Promise me you won't be stupid and jump into a dangerous situation without backup," she demanded, only half-playfully. He chuckled.

"I promise, now go."

"Goodnight Oliver."

"Goodnight Felicity," he whispered softly, before switching off his comms.

He stayed out for about a half hour, and was just about to head back, when he heard a muffled scream. His head snapped in the direction of the noise, as he pinpointed the source as an alleyway about 30 feet ahead. Readying his bow, he slipped into the shadows, hurrying to the source of the cry. His heart froze at the sight before him.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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