'Jack!' Kate shouted and stared up the Pelegots pulling Jack along. Before they could do anything Jack disappeared beyond the edge of the cliff. Kate moved down into the cage and her concerned eyes watched Cutler.

'We need to help him' Kate's soft voice spoke determined.

'Kate, I have no idea how we could help him' Cutler moved his hand through the bars and took hers carefully. Kate still standing was looking up to where he had disappeared.

'I think I know a way' Kate lowered her sight to the men.

'If we make it through these bars..' Kate watched Cutler and the other men through the bars from the other side, her hands touching the bones, inspecting them.

'We tried, even the one with the smallest figure did not make it through' Mercer moved up and acted it out by moving his arm outside the cage. Kate nodded softly.

'You tried, but I didn't' Kate spoke while holding the bars with two of her hands. Cutler took hers quickly like he was keeping her from going.

'Kate no, get that idea out of your head' Cutler's eyes pierced hers through the bars.

'I have the smallest figure, I can manage to climb through and move up' Kate continued, looking up ignoring her fiance's begging eyes.

'It's out of the question!' Cutler's calm voice had started to rise.

'Cutler, this is our only chance. We cannot sit around and do nothing while Jack might be killed!' Kate moved her left hand through the bars and laid it down to Cutler's right cheek.

If it were possible for her to kiss him right this instance she would, but the bars in between them made it impossible. So her small fingers moved along his lips caringly before she turned her back to the men.

'Kate no!' Cutler started to shout, reaching for her through the bars. With pain in her heart Kate ignored him and moved her head through the bars followed by her arms and torso, she fitted through by a hair. Wearing trousers made it relatively easy to climb and relieved to be outside the cage she was now standing on top. Her red hair waved upon the wind that made the cage slightly tilt, it caught her off guard and almost tripping she moved her hands around the large robe holding the cage up.

'Kate..' she heard Cutler whisper, he had climbed into the corner of the cage, his hand reaching for hers as he stared at her through the bars. Kate crouched down and took his hand.

'I know I can't stop you. But.. please come back whole' Cutler did not know what to say, he was stumbling upon his words, something that did not happen often. Kate smiled softly and watched him press a firm kiss on her hand.

'I will always return to you.. you know that' she whispered. With pain in her heart, Kate withdrew her eyes from him and moved up, starting to climb the large endless robe.

It took a lot of her strength but she was determined to get to the top. Sweat was dripping down from her forehead as she was almost halfway, her hands were burning and she wouldn't be surprised if they were already covered in blisters. For a moment it felt like she'd lose grip, her sweaty hands made the skin of her palms slippery and before she knew it one of her hands lost its hold on the robe. Kate was now hanging miles high from the cage by one arm and she caught herself looking down. A shriek came from her lips as she was dangling high above the deep abyss. Telling herself not to look down her other hand moved up with all of her strength and she got hold of the robe again. Releasing a loud sigh she didn't want to look back at the faces of the men beneath her, who probably saw her almost lose her grip. After what felt like forever she reached the top and carefully moved to the cliff, looking down she saw all men staring at her, waving it would be alright Kate moved away from the cliff and walked into the direction of the village without being too obvious, moving from bush to tent so they wouldn't discover her. She had to cross many of the bridges to reach it. After a short journey, her eyes moved to their main place in the middle of the village, there was a fire and Kate suddenly noticed Jack tied to one of the poles, awaiting his death. Not many Pelegots were present and she figured they were waiting for the fire to be big enough for them to roast Jack. Kate slowly moved from behind the bushes and almost crawling she came closer trying not to get discovered. Almost reaching Jack she stood tall and sprinted in his direction.

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