Nadia: Are you trying to screw me over here? Cause if you are then I will make sure it hurts when I rip your fucking spine from your nose!

She picked up the man and threw him across the street into another booth which was now destroyed. Nadia grabbed her helmet and placed it on her head. You quickly ducked back into the crowd as she looked around.

Nadia: If any of you know where the rebels are, I suggest you start talking. Otherwise I'll stop being nice.

She shoved through the crowd as she marched away. You spared a glance at her and decided you should try to do something. You didn't want to start a fight here. Too many people. Maybe you can avoid it? If you could trick her into believing that you were the Emperor, maybe.

You shuffled through the crowd and spotted her looking around the area. Now was the time. You slowly approached her and disacivated the mask. You placed a hand on her shoulder but she quickly grabbed it. You moved fast enough to avoid her tossing you and got her attention.

Y/N: Nadia.

She froze when she saw you she quuckly bowed with a smile on her face. It almost looked, twisted.

Nadia: Forgive me your Highness.

It worked. Good.

Y/N: Follow me.

Nadia obeyed and you lead her to a nearby alleyway. You made sure no one was around before turning back to her.

Y/N: How is the sweep going?

Nadia: We haven't found any of the rebels. Gwen had reported in that she did gather a tip though.

Not good.

Y/N: And where is she?

Nadia gave you an odd look.

Nadia: Why don't you just use your telepathy?


Y/N: The rebels have a way of finding out when I use my powers. I must remain undetected.

Nadia seemed to believe you. This might work after all.

Nadia: Gwen is over near the Barrows. She said one of our men reported seeing Miles Morales walking on the streets.

Miles? So that's where Gwen was heading to. If those two fought and the other Elites catch wind of it....You needed to act fast.

Y/N: Very well. Keep up the good work. I will head to the Barrows now.

You turned to leave but Nadia grabbed your hand and shoved you against the wall. It actually hurt with as much force she used.

Nadia: What's the rush? Surely we can have some fun here~

What the hell was this? The Nadia you knew was tamed and shy about this stuff. Then again, this wasn't your Nadia. This one was broken mentally. You needed to get away. Surely she would know you weren't the Emperor.

Y/N: No. T-The rebels come first.

Shit! You stuttered. You watched as Nadia's smile quickly turned into a frown and her eyes grew angry. She quickly picked you up and threw you against a pile of trash cans. You were quickly to avoid her next kick and pulled out your blades. You reactivated your mask as your hood fell off.

Nadia: I don't know who you are or why you look like the Emperor, but you will pay for manipulating me!

She fired off her blasters but you blocked them with the blades. She lunged at you but you swung your baldes at her. She shrunk down and avoided you before shooting off another blast that hit your neck. It stung but you ended up smacking her away long enough to escape the alleyway.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now