Kaho then started to picture her, Maika and Karin in various of hairtyles. "Like with braids... Or bunheads!"

Of course, pigtails as well!" She continued as she does the hairstyle to Maika as Karin sneezed quitely.

Dino went around Kaho and Maika and took lots of pictures. "Next! Next! Both sides up! Both sides up!"

Kaho started to messed with Maika's hair as she put her bag and her cute hairband away, leaving her hair with her other extra hairband. "But orthodox style works best for Maika!"

Kaho and Mafuyu stood in front of the girl. "Long, straight black hair!"

"On the other hand, lack of individuality is demerit." Mafuyu said, putting her fingers on her chin.


"It's fine!" Kaho said as she reach out to the girl's head and take off her hairband. "Maika is more than makes up for it with her aura!"

"Wait a second, I--"

It was too late for Maika as the blonde already took off the band. Maika's hair was all over the place, as if a static of electricity came to her.

The staffs were in awed, looking at her with shock faces. 'She's got plenty of individuality!'

Maika dropped to the ground and started yelling. "Sorry! Sorry! My hair is so thin! Because of that, if it's not tied down, it exploded with static electricity!"

"I-I had no idea..."

They were all shocked to her sudden outburst, as Karin silently sneeze again.

Kaho started to assured her. "But it's all right. We can deal with a little static electricity--"


Kaho was interrupted by Maika's hair flying everywhere.

"A black jellyfish..."

"A static electricity hug..."

Maika murmured lots of unusual creature names as her eyes glow red.

"Some past trauma has been unleashed!"

"Come back, Maika!"

Karin suddenly felt Maika's hair slithering on her legs. Karin's usual calm face suddenly change into a scared one as she ran to the nearest person that is Akizuki, hugging his back. "Ahh! Snake!"

Akizuki was shocked by her sudden action. "Wha-- snake?! Where?!" He suddenly wanted to search for it and kill it for scaring Karin, but when she shakily pointed at Maika's hair, he calmed down.

"Hey, it's just Sakuranomiya's hair. No snakes around." Akizuki said, hoping for her to calm down behind him as Karin was still clinging on him.

"O-oh... I-I thought there was a snake. I'm sorry." Karin let go of him and chuckled nervously.





Kaho started to tie Maika's hair into a high ponytail, afraid of her 'static electricity' go out again. "Sorry, Maika. Let's do a ponytail!"

"I'm sorry, I spoiled the fun mood." Maika said as she look down and felt Kaho patted her ponytail.

"There, all done!"

"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, Maika!" Kaho said as she walk away.

Karin sneezed again, this time a little loud. She hoped none of her co-workers heard her. Unfortunately, Mafuyu did.

"Karin, are you alright?"

Karin jumped and turn to her. "Y-yeah. Yeah, I'm alright."

"Are you sure? Your nose is red. If you are not feeling very well, ask Akizuki to make warm tea for you." Mafuyu suggested.

"Sure. Thanks for your concern, Mafuyu." Karin thanked her as Mafuyu nodded and walk away.

"What is this I heard about you're not feeling well?" Akizuki asked from behind Karin as she jumped again. Akizuki touch her forehead as she turn around.

"...your forehead is warm."

Karin started to blushed. "I-it's probably just the weather getting colder!"

Akizuki didn't buy it, even if what she said is true. He grab her hand and drag her to the kitchen. "I'll fix you with some tea, so drink it clean. I don't want you to pass out on me while working."

Karin was stunned to his sudden care and smiled.

As Akizuki was done making her tea, he made Karin sat on one of the chairs and drank the tea with ease. Akizuki then lean on the counter with Karin seating beside him.

"If you're stressed about static electricity, how about trying a treatment from another country that I use?" Dino suggested to Maika.


"I happen to have an extra bottle, so you can have it."

"Thank you so much!"

From inside the kitchen by the counter, Akizuki and Karin were leaning on it listening to the two. The brunette was drinking her tea peacefully.

"Not at all! So I'll see you later!"

"Right!" Maika replied as she skipped to the break room to change.

"Don't forget! I'll give it to you on your break!" Dino yelled out before she went inside.

"Not bad." Akizuki said to Dino as he was stunned to his kindess. Karin nodded.

"Nice job, manager!"

Dino look at them, puzzled. "What's that?"


Edited : 15th June 2021
Final edit : 8th August 2022

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