shallow love

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When I opened my eyes there were pretty , intense ones staring down at me. I realised it was Derek and that there were tears in his eyes.

"You scared me," he said sniffling." I thought I lost you. I tried to hurry my way to you and u almost left me. I don't know what I would do if you were gone." He stared down at his hands.

"Well I'm not gone and I'm fine. Trust me. Now let's get out of here its way to white." I said and looked creepily at the walls. He chuckled and sighed .

"You will be discharged later. Until then your supposed to talk to your brother." He said and as if on cue Shawn came in. Derek got up kissed my forehead and walked out.

"So," Shawn said. "Your moving to Flordia?" He asked.

"Yeah..." I said a little uneasy. I haven't seen this guy in forever.

"I'm moving there too . I want to be closer to you , I won't lose you again. I'm so happy they contacted me first."

"Yeah I am too, but why did you leave?" He was about to reply when the door bursted open. In came my Aunt , Grandma, and Uncle. They all were carrying a get well gift.

"Oh Ellie!" Grandma said and rushed to me. They all grabbed me for a group hug. Someone was patting my back and it felt good , soothing. I relaxed and hugged them back. My aunt looked to the back of the room and gasped. Grandma and my Uncle looked back and they got huge smiles and rushed to him. My aunt just stood there looking at him like if she got closer he would disappear.

"Shawn. Is that really you?" She said her voice cracking. She had tears in her eyes but wasn't gonna let them out. When he nodded she bursted into tears and rushed over to him . She gathered him into a hug and squeezed so tightly you would think he would break. At that moment I realised that Kari's house was were Shawn was supposed to go when my parents sent him away. When they were done with their moment they turned to me.

"Shawn was supposed to go to your house but he didn't make it. He ran way. Didn't he?" I said strongly. My aunt looked guilty and my brother just nodded.

"I stayed at a junk yard and helped the man there get things done." He said with a look like he was remembering something .

I nodded then realised I really wanted to get out of here. My grandma noticed and pulled a back off her back. She unzipped it and pulled out jeans , converse, a tank top and a cute flannel. She handed me the things and for the first time I realised there were no cords hooked up to me anymore. Must've taken them off earlier. I got up and walked to the bathroom and changed while everyone else chit chatted. When I was done I slowly opened the door and saw that everyone was waiting on me. The doctor had come in and talked to them, gave medicine, and said I could leave. I was so sore and hungry I didn't even care. We walked to the waiting room to get my friends only to see what I would never have wished for. A small skinny blonde was sitting on Derek's lap. Kissing him( more like licking his face) Derek was trying to push her off but she wouldn't bugde so he tried shoving her. She wouldn't let go and her hands traveled down his chest and to his pants. I marched up to them and pulled the girl off him by her hair . She fell back and flopped on the floor then got up and came after me.

"You bitch!" She  screeched. She tried to punch me but I easily dodged it then gave a punch of my own. It was a strong punch and she stopped swayed and tumbled over.

I looked around me only to see everyone looking at me with wide eyes and dropped jaws. My brother had a look of pride in his eyes. Then I realise what I just did. I knocked a girl out with one punch. I'm fucking amazing.

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