shallow love

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I looked in each direction trying to find my Aunt Kari. Its been two years since I've seen her but you could never miss her. She has long tan legs, really tall, black wavy hair that stops at her butt, has great fashion and the brightest eyes I've ever seen. And yes for all you fangirls out there, brighter than Nash Griers.

"Ellie? Is that you?" I turned toward the voice to see Kari rushing over to me in short Jean shorts, a Beatles band shirt and white converse.

"Kari!," I ran over to her and she wrapped me in a big bear hug ,"I missed you so much." I said my voice quivering. She smelled like her. Mom. I couldn't hold it in, I bursted into tears sobbing into her shirt.

"Shh.....its OK I'm here, Im right here baby."


I woke up when I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

"Hey were here." Kari said with a small smile. I unbuckled myself and went to the trunk to get my luggage. Me and Kari carried my things into the mansion like house. The house was blue and with 5 bedrooms. Only two people lived in the house with her though. My grandma, and my uncle. Me and my uncle were pretty close he's one of those cool chill relaxed uncles who doesn't tell if you don't tell, which really come in handy sometimes. My grandma is like my bestfreind I text her everyday and we are really close, my grandpa died a few years ago, but my grandma said there was this old fellar at bingo on Sunday who invited her to a dinner party so I'm sure she won't be alone for long. As soon as I walk in I'm crushed in a gigantic hug , and I immediately smell Axe Cologne.

"Uncle Tom!" I squeeze him back extra hard to remind him I'm not that weak. He chuckled at my gesture,

"OK OK my turn now can't hog her all day ur lucky I let u give her the first hug!" My grandma smacked him with her cane she carries around even though she doesn't need it she says it comes in hand to grab things. My grandma came up and wrapped me in a warm hug that instantly made me relax.

"I missed you so much, grandma."

"Me too honney. Now, Kariake us some lunch this girl needs to have more meat on her!"


Sorry for such short chapters I'm so confused if its long or short but any who this book is part of a contest with my friend whoever has the best book wins, I'll be posting her books tittle later on don't forget to vote and comment : )

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