shallow love

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Well Mark called me this morning its been a week since I've told Derek everything. Ever since I've avoided everyone. My aunt insisted I get a summer job to make some money so I can have more for shopping, you would think she wants me to save it or something but no. She wants me to go shopping. So I am currently driving around in my unlces car, a 2004 blue Pontiac GTO , which I borrowed. It has subs in the back and he tweeked it so you can litteraly hear it miles away. I drive by a bunch of stores but none catch my eye. Then I see a beach, I love swimming when I was in 8th grade I was a competitive swimmer. I slow to a park and decide to go take a walk on the beach to clear my head. I get out of the car , which has attracted a lot of attention due to how loud it is. I'm so thankful I wore shorts and a tank top just in case I wanna dip my feat in. I start walking past everyone earning a few wolf whistles and some glares. I walk along the shore line thinking about Derek. He is mysterious, he keeps his feelings to himself. He so gorgeous, his eyes-- a scream cut me from my thoughts.

"HELP!!!" I quickly look were the scream came from and see a little figure out in the ocean bobbing in and out of the waves moving around franticly. Without hesitating I drop my things and shoes and jump into the water. I stroke fast and strong through the waves never missing a beat. The figure is still screaming and I hear shouts from land.

"He's drowning!"

"She's gonna save him!"

"Were the lifeguard!"

"Is there sharks out there?!" I reach the boy and realise his surfing board it broken into two and one half is hitting against a huge rock. I swim up to the boy and see his leg caught by something. I quickly grab him and pull him up , the boy becoming free and wrapping his arms around me. The boy couldn't be older than 10 with a face that reminded me of someone I couldn't place. I held on to him and half swam and half pattled back to shore. When we reached shore the kid turned and puked up a bunch of sea water.

"Oh gosh that was amazing did you see how fast she swam out there?!"

"She was amazing!"

"She saved his life!"people started to applaud all around her. People calling her a hero with admiration in their eyes.

"Excuse me that's my brother," said a voice I would never have thought to see here.

"Derek!" The little boy screamed and threw himself onto his older brother who gripped him tightly. While they had their moment a few more people came up and congratulated me. Then a older man with a muscular build came up.

"What is your name , if I may ask?" He asked me. He was wearing a T-shirt that said life guard on it.

"Ellie." I reply.

"Well Ellie what you just did was amazing and sadly embarrassing for us. You see I'm the manager for the life guards and my life guard was flirting instead of doing his job. And you can see what happens when you don't pay attention." He says and I chuckle. "Anyways I was wondering if you would maybe like a job as a life guard ? We could really use your help." He asks me nervously.

"Sure!" I say enthusiasticly.

"Great , how boat you start Saturday?" Saturday, today's



"OK great see you then!" He walked away only to be replaced by a very thankful looking Derek.

"You will not belive how thankful I am. You saved my brothers life all because I wasn't paying attention I owe you so much." He looked down at me and slowly moved closer to me. His breath was minty as he breathed down onto my lips. But before they could make contact I heard a whistle, and looked up to see the manager standing a dew feet away. I took a step back and caught the shirt he threw at me.

"Here I think its your size. See you Saturday!" He said and walked away.

"So I guess you'll be my life guard buddy?" Derek says and points at his shirt. Oh isn't this just great.

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