shallow love

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"So did you find a job?" My Uncle asked me as soon as I walked in. He was dressed up , like he was going on a date.

"Yes, actually I'll be a life guard starting Saturday. Why are you dressed up?" I ask him , slowly handing over his keys.

"I have a date tonight with a girl I met at the music store today. I actually have to go right now so," he rushed bye planting a kiss on my cheek,"Bye!" He said as he ran out the door. I was so confused my uncle never went on dates he was the kind to hump and dump. Well this will be interesting.

I walk to the kitchen to see if anyone else is here.

"Ellie! I haven't seen you all day!" I turned to meet my grandmother standing by the fridge.

"Hey! Have you seen aunt Kari?" I asked her.

"No she is out for the night. Bit hey I was wondering would you like yo go get some dinner with me catch up on things?" She asked me raising one eyebrow.

"Uh, food,company ,and getting out. Do you think I'm gonna say no?"


My night was amazing me and my grandmother had bought some eggs and egged her ex boyfriends house. Then we went to a beach were there was no one and went swimming. After that we loaded the car with junk food and went to a drive in movie. The movie was The Outsiders and for those who do know what that movie is Google can answer for you. So now I'm sitting in my room on my bed playing flappy golf. Its soo addicting! Then my phone starts ringing.

I'm a boss as bitch, bitch,--

"Hello?" I ask , frogetting to look at the caller ID. I have a habit of doing that.

"Hey its mark."

"Oh hey, what's up?"

"Um I have something to tell you..."

"Uh what is it?"

"Well after we had that talk it made me realise that I kinda forced everything on you and I'm really sort for it and also.....I have been cheating on you the whole time we were engaged."


I was just sitting there looking out at the waves. I don't even know why I care I didn't like him and if he was cheating on me he must've not liked me either. But that's not the point he knew I trusted him and he turned his back on me.

After he told me what happened I just dropped my phone and started walking and it led me here. He told me he had sex with three girls one who was my friend. I realised I couldn't trust anyone in Vermont. I wouldn't. That's when I finally made my choice.

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