Shallow Love

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"Babe, I love you so much. You won't belive how happy I am." My best friend-now fiancee says to me. If someone told me I would end up marring my childhood bestie I would point them to the nearest insane asylum. But there I was , with Mark McCormick on one knee asking me to marry him. So of course I said yes! But.....there's something that still feels missing. While all my friends are fan girling over the newest boy bands, I'll be stuck with a husband that knows everything about me.....can someone say great?


"Call me when you get there. OK?" Mark told me as I was boarding the plane, I absently nodded my head in reply. As soon as I sat down I started to think. I was on my way to Ocala, Flordia to visit my family over the summer. Last year when Mark asked me to marry him I was a senior in high school . Now I'm in college and share an apartment with my two best friends. My mom and dad passed three months ago, they were on their way to an anniversary date and the car went out of control. My mom died on scene, my dad was rushed to the nearest hospital but died do to blood lost. Its still a hard topic for me but I've mad it this far and I'll make it farther. A tap on my shoulder shook me from my thoughts. A kid who couldn't be older than 5 with black hair and bright green eyes was standing to the side of me.

"Excuse me miss but can I sit there, my mom wants me close to her and she's sitting behind this seat." He said to me nervously.

"Of course!" I gave him a huge smile and slid over a seat so I was at the window now. I sighed as I watched the Vermont mountains flow past me. Flordia, here I come.

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