"I'm sorry commander, I don't know how I over slept, I have a hard time sleeping, a-and last night was one of the fir-" my rambling was cut off when his grip tightened around my wrist fast.

I slightly gawked at the pain, switching my eyes back and forth between him and his hand. The pain automatically turned into something else.

I slowly raised my glare towards the black slits. "Let. Me. Go." I spoke through gritted teeth.

Silence passed between us both, before he abruptly dropped his grip and my arm swung to my side. I took my wrist in my hand, caressing the soreness.

He then strode off down the hallways without giving a second glance. I didn't hesitate to catch up with him hoping my little moment didn't piss him off too much.

He walked with reason the whole way there. He stopped upon two sliding doors to which opened at his arrival. I scurried in before they could close again.

I took a look around the gym-like room. It was a replica of what we use to train in under Vex's lessons. It was only accompanied by a few weapon racks, metal table, a couple exercise equipments, and mats that covered parts of the floor.

"Here." he pointed at the center of one of the mats, waiting for me to approach.

"We're gonna see where you're at with hand on hand combat."

My specialty, I smirked to myself.

He didn't waste time before he grabbed one of my wrists, twisted me around so my back as to his torso, and kicked me down to the ground with his boot on my spine.

A small cry escaped my lips once my knees made contact with the mat. Jesus this is gonna be hell.


I looked back up at him, nervousness radiating from me, pushing myself up off the mat. It was a lot more intimidating with him wearing the mask. To be completely honest it was scary. Sure, taking down a person doesn't seem that bad, but with the robotic touch of the mask, it was too inhuman to belittle him as much as a mortal man.

About twenty minutes in, and I still hadn't managed to block a single move he threw my way. He really wasn't going to spare me any mercy.

After knocking me down for the seventh time, my anger finally started to bubble. This time I wasn't going down so easily.

He reached for my forearm while raising his knee to hit me in the rib, but I blocked his grasp to my best ability. I could feel the surprise ripple through him. I took his distraction as an opportunity to slam my elbow into his abdomen.

His stomach quaked at the impact, slightly bending over. I backed up and raised my leg. I arched my knee, preparing to kick him down, when he grabbed my foot first with one hand, but then both and threw me across the floor.

I crashed into one of the weapon racks and some rods fell on top of me. I winced at the contact, quickly averting my gaze over to where he was standing, not wanting to get distracted before his next move.

He was walking over to me, not too fast, but not too slow. I quickly squirmed and tried to push the equipment off of me, before he could reach me.

Right before I could push off the last rod, I saw a gloved hand stretched out to me. I slowly ran my eyes up the sleeve and my uncovered eye met with the mask.

I hesitantly went to grab it, looking up at the mask emerging my attention stern. Once I was back on my feet, I dropped my grip from his hand, and he gestured for me to return to the mat.

And sure enough, right before I could meet with the mat again, I felt two large hands apply an excessive force to my shoulder blades, and push me to the ground.

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