"Yea yea, come on we gotta hurry the next guard is coming in 20 minutes" Dean says putting his bag down and bringing out tools. Bonnie knits her eyebrows together.

"What the hell are those for?" She asks making him look at her.

"You ever broken into anything without some tools before?" He asks making her shrug a shoulder at him.

"I've never stolen anything before" she says making him raise an eyebrow at her. She was way too good for this. Her moral high ground was through the roof, much higher than his.

"Okay well this is how you do it" he says holding out a tool for Sam to take before she shakes her head at him.

"No I meant why would you break into it, and risk getting your prints everywhere, when you have a witch with you?" She asks making him look at her in confusion.

He knew he shouldn't be surprised, she just short circuited wires with two words but he couldn't help it. It's not like he knew many friendly witches.

"What can you do?" Sam asks an excited smile on his face. He for one was more than happy at the prospect of Bonnie doing more magic in front of him. After everything he'd been through it was nice to see someone use their powers for good.

"Well all I gotta do is concentrate" she says looking at the lock intently and breathing out a soft word. "patentibus" she whispers softly and the lock clicks open. Sam looks at her with a wide smile.

"You're awesome, you know that" he asks making Bonnie laugh at him. It was nice being appreciated like this for once.

"Always good to hear" she says before stepping forward and grabbing the spearhead and swords.

"Alright cool lets go" Tyler tells them grabbing Bonnie's hand, ready to get them all out of there safely. Suddenly his neck is twisted to the side, a loud crack sounding throughout the room. Bonnie yells out as his body falls to the floor in front of her.

"Tyler" she calls as she bends down to look at him. Luckily it just seemed like a snapped neck. Looking up she saw the dark haired witch from before.

"Well well well, looks like I got here just in time" the witch says smirking at them

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Well well well, looks like I got here just in time" the witch says smirking at them. Bonnie glares at her fiercely.

"Didn't you learn your lesson already" she says making Agatha laugh at her, the sound sending a chill down the brothers spine. Bonnie shakes her head at her, simply irritated.

"Phasmotos Incendia" she whispers and a line of fire separates the other witch from them. Agatha just chuckles once more.

"You and your half breed killed my sisters, you didn't think I'd let you live did you?" Agatha asks sending the Winchester's flying to either wall. Bonnie pushes the other witch back with her magic, making her crash into the wall. Bonnie walks up to her angrily, walking through the fire.

Town WitchTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang