Chapter 10

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The Winter Solstice was coming soon. I never enjoyed such days. This one was even more conflicting. I was sitting alone in my cabin, back against the wall, and necklace in hand. I had kept it a secret, but I wasn't sur eif that was the right thing to do.

What kind of person do I want to be? I felt like such a question would have such an easy answer. But it only sent waves of confusion through me. I wanted to stand by my friends and help them. Yet the world needed help. I just knew I couldn't sit around and do nothing anymore. But I didn't know what to do. No one seemed to be in such a decisive point as I. On one hand I could help my life king friend regain his honor and everything he wants. On the other hand I can continue to help the Avatar evade capture, so he can go on and rid the world of the fear and suffering of the Fire Nation.

Being more in edge than usual, I actually heard the door open before he walked in. This gave me enough time to hide the necklace. "What are you doing?" he questioned.

"Sulking," I answered with a shrugg, "Not everyone likes doing it out in the open."

Zuko glared at my statement. "We're leaving in half an hour once Uncle get back," he informed me. "If you nned anything from the market, go get it now."

"Okay,"I sighed, rolling my eyes at his bossiness.

He turned to walk back out. "I saw an herb shop," he informed me, "You should stock up, we aren't going to be docking again any time soon."

"Thanks for the heads up," I sincerely thanked him, before he shut the door. I got up with a groan. My joints have gotten weird from all my time in the sea. I hid the necklace deep in my chest, with my spiratual stuff to be exact. I slipped on my boots and gathered the money Zuko left on my tea table. I should really stock up on things I personally need, not like anyone else on this ship would get it.

With my time limit set, I went out to gather what I needed. I guessed it would be alright to do herbs last, as I knee they wrre something I could easily get. It didn't help that I was easily distracted by nick macks in he market. Iroh and I usual enjoyed shopping together, while it annoyed Zuko. I was particularly interested in a dark set of robes, with a matching scarf. "A good eye young man," the stall owner commented.

"I'm just looking," I informed him, not wanting to be bothered by workers, when they had much else to do.

The woman shook her head. "It'sade of silk, a light material, but a warm one, working for all season."

I smirked, indeed it would. "It has to be expensive, with such a rich color. Reminds me of the sea at night."

"I take it you're a sailor, and a well educated one at that," the woman commented. "But that set came from last collection, so it's on sale," she informed me.

I bit my lip in thought. I didn't haveany clothes. I've grown since the last time I went clothes shopping. Not to mention my style has changed. "How much is it?" I asked, thinking adding a third to my outfits would be alright. I exchanged the pieces for the clothing, and continued on my way.

I went on gathering what I set out for, as well as a bit more of what I didn't need. Some being a little cactus in a pot, thick silver sripps of fabric,  large spool of red ribbon, and extra ink and scrolls. Not to mention a decently sized bag to carry it all in. Finally I found the herb shop, more spiratual shop. There are usually two places you can find most herbs, spiratual shops, or tea shops. Most refer to the prior as a herb shop, as not much else in the store would regularly be used.

Inside my senses started tingling. It had been awhile since I've been in one, settling for going to a tea shop with Iroh. "What can I do for..." and elderly woman asked from behind the country. She slowly stopped, amazed. "Quite an aura you give off younge one."

"Thanks," I said, knowing it was meant as a compliment. I knew one thing was for sure. I didn't want to get spiratual. Too much bad came from it to be good. "I'm just here for some herbs."

"Whay kind?" the woman asked, hobbling out in her cane.

I had found the shelves of dried herbs, which we're a plenty. "Ones to help sleep," I informed her. Plenty worked, I just needed plenty.

"Ah yes," she sighed, as if it were plain as day. "Which such a loose spirit, you would go off in your sleep, without training that is."

I glanced over at the woman, squinting at her in confusion. "I guess you don't know," she laughed as if it were amusing. "It is said that when spirits that were close to being enlightened in their previous life, are born enlightened into this life. Some people call it having a loose spirit, cause such people are already accepted by the spirits of the world."

"You're saying I'm one," I scoffed. I was anything but enlightened. I was the exact opposite deloghtened.

The woman chuckled. "I should know, I am one as well," she informed me. "It was hard at time, as I'm sure you are aware. But with hell and practice everything becomes more manageable."

"I just want my herbs," I commented softly, not really comfortable with how this conversation was turning.

The woman had bags of herbs in her hands, and hobbling back to the counter. "By my guess, you don't have a master to guide you."

"Like bending?" I questioned, recognizing the similarities. "Cause in both cases, no."

The woman laughed at my comment. "Well in both cases, texts can also be an alright substitute to masters. She started pulling out scrolls from behind the counter." Usually I onky sell these to those who ask for them by name, for how special the information they hold is, but I feel you need them." I looked at the pile on the counter, unsure if I had enough money to pay for it all.

"Don't deny your spirit younge one," she said calmly, "The rest have already accepted you as one." I guess this old lady had decided I was going to be spiratual again. I guess I could try.

"How much?" I asked, opening up the sack if money on me.

The old woman held up a raggedy hand. "Nothing for these. I want to repay kindness I was shown when I was lost. All I ask is that you pay it forward as well."

I looked down to all she had given me, ten packs of herbs, and five thick scrolls. She gave me so much. "I gave her a small smile." At least let me buy a star chart, mine had been comendered by a ship crew. " I grabbed the scroll from the crowded shelf next to me.

I then placed five silver pieces in the counter. Far too much for a star map, but not enough to cover everything she had given me. I put the herbs in my bag, and what scrolls I could fit. I then held what was left of the scrolls in one hand, and my new cactus friend in another.

Time to head back to the shop. I was barely half way there, when I saw a nice clump of red. "What's wrong this time Zuko?" I questioned the prince during my approach.

"You're late," he grumbled.

I gave him a shrugg. "I was shopping. And for your information, I've decided to practice again."

Zuko looked surprised for a moment. "Finally figured out what you're meant to do."

"Yea," I scoffed. It was a complete lie. I knew jack crap about what I was going to do. "Annoy you for the rest of my life."

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