Chapter 3

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After calming down a bit I decided it was best to take off my armor. No reason wearing it when u was confined to my cabins, didn't need to hid my sex. I was finally pulling off my shoulder pads, when my door suddenly opened, only to be quickly closed again by whoever opened it.

"Lusa," a familiar frowle greeted me, "How many time do I have to tell you to lock your door when your changing. Who knows who would walk in."

I scoffed and threw my dusrobbed armor to the ground. "It's only ever you Zuko," I reminded the ounce, as I pulled my shirt back down. "Do what do I owe for the presence of the great Zuko?" I sat back down on my cot and smirked up at him.

He glared down at me and started pacing. "Do you understand what you've done?" he hissed at me. "I had the Avatar in my grasp. My honor in my grasp. And YOU! Set it free!"

I shrugged, nonchalantly. "To be honest, he was free when I found him," I informed him, "I was going to set him free, but he did that on his own."

"Glad I know where your loyalties lie," Zuko hissed. "I thought you were loyal to me."

I stood up and let out a soft sigh. "My loyalty lies to myself, and what I see right," I reminded him. I walked up to him, interrupting his pacing. "You are the most important person to me though. Never forget that." I wrapped my arms around his back, to keep him close.

He glared down at me, a pout on his face. "You just don't want me to regain my honor," he complain.

I softly shook my head, more of my bangs falling into my face. "I don't get why you want the one who gave you this scar," I moved a hand up to gentally stroke his scar, "To find you honorable. You should leave him behind and start something new."

"We're not all like you," he reminded me, grabbing the wrist by his face. He pushed up my sleeve, reveling many of my own scars. Mine as well were inflicted by my father.

I smirked up at him. "I say they should be, it's a lot of fun," I said with a wide smile.

The prince leaned in and caught my lips in his own. He tore away with a scowle on his face. "You are so agrivating," he hissed before claiming my lips once again.

This started the first year out in the boat. It was frustrating for us both. Stuck in a boat with so little to do, but so much pent uped energy. We made an agreement to do so when one of us was too worked up. Usually it was Zuko who found me.

No one else knows of our agreement, not even Iroh. We were sure he would disapprove. And none of the crew would suspect anything, as to them I am a man. Any groans could be dismissed as the two if us training together run our chambers.

We were once again laying in my cot, soaked in sweat. Nothing knew to the two of us. In a few minuets, once we were calmed a bit, Zuko would dress and leave, while I took care of the mess we tend to make. Until then we jaut laued there with our heavy breathing.

I reached up to wipe my bangs out of my face, getting a handful of sweat as I did. "Do you think water benders couldn't bend sweat?" I questioned.

"What?" Zuko questioned between his deep breaths.

I rolled to my side to face him. "Like can they use sweat as a water source?" I refined the question. "Imagine, in the heat of battle with a water Bender, you get them away from a water source, and next thing you know they're pulling the sweat off of you to beat you with your own salty fluids."

Zuko just continued to stare up at the ceiling. If my knowledge was correct, and my indoor navigation skill weren't crap, it was the floor of his cabin. "Are these your thoughts, or are the spirits talking to you again?" he questioned with a sign of disappointment in his voice.

"They've stopped speaking directly... a few years ago," I reminded him, "I'm still in tune with them."

Zuko finally sat up. It was time for him to leave. "Don't you want to block them out?"

I sighed, and rolled around to hug my pillow. "Some things I can't stop," I complained. "I can stop practicing, but my sixth sense isn't something I can get rid of or turn off."

There was a moment of silence as the prince thought to himself. "You can sense any for of spiritual energy right? Bending included?" he questioned.

I deadpanned in his direction. "I'm not using my sixth sense to find the Avatar for you," I told him, knowing exactly what he was thinking about using me for.

There was the loud thud of the prince putting his boot back on. "When you're ready, meet me on the main deck for sword practice. We both need all the practice we can get."

"If I'm not too sore," I wink at him as he reached for the door. He grumbled something as he walked out of the door, closing it behind him as he left.

I sat up with a groan and a stretch. I crawled up to my own to feet, ignoring the famolar sting in my lower abdomen. I just stretched everything out. It helps with everything. Getting rid of the soreness was easy. Even helped cleaning everything out. It may not be what's recommended, but it's what I do, and nothing has happened yet.

Once I felt I was back to normal, I started the grueling process of getting dressed. Not only did I need to deal with tricky armor, but binding as well.

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