Chapter 2

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It was unbarebly cold. I get that it was the south pole, but man it was cold. I'd give anything to know more firebending than just summoning simple flames. Even control over body heat would have been helpful. Yet I had none, I was just lingering back, shivering near Iroh.

"Where is the Avatar!?" Zuko yelled, throwing flames towards the villagers.

Dispite the fact I was freezing my butt off, I knew I needed to step in. "Zuko," I called out to him, "They're innocent, there is no need to harm them."

"They're housing the Avatar!" he hollered, at both me and the villagers.

I sighed, and pulled my arms around me tighter. "Do you see an Airbender anywhere?" I questioned, "No, so they're not here. Maybe somewhere nearby, but not here."

"Rezu's right," Iroh agreed with me. I dramatically gestured to his uncle, someone he listened to much more willingly than me. "Let's just get back in the ship, and continue our search elsewhere."

Zuko turned to us, as high strung as he always is. "You two give up too easily," he informed us.

I rolled my eyes at his sentiment. I took a step to the side, letting the Water Tribe Warrior fall face first into the snow. I put my foot down on his back to keep him in place. "If the avatar was here, do you think they would leave the protection of the village to one guy," I gestured down to the one I was standing on top of.

Suddenly a large gust of wind blew down from the heavens. I could tell what was natural, and what was bending. That was not natural. A boy wearing yellow and orange langed I front of us.  In his hand was a glider, which snapped together to become a staff. Most notably were the blue tattoos on his body. An Airbender, that was for sure.

Zuko didn't wait a moment before attacking. I jumped over to grab onto his arm, to try and stop him from further agrivating anyone. Luckily the avatar managed to disperse the flames before anyone got injuried. "If I go with you, will you leave them alone!?" he asked of Zuko. I looked up at him pleading. I could help him escape later.

"Fine," he agreed, pulling his arm from my grasp. "Lock up the avatar," he commanded the soldiers. With that taken care of at the tkme I let out a silent sigh. Up I rushed to get back into the warmth.

I'd need to wait a little while until it was time to free the Avatar. Too close to shore and it would be suspicious. That gave me a good ten minuets to prepare, or fool around.

"Zuko!" I called out to him, throwing myself at him. I made sure all the crew was gone before doing so. "I'm cold," I informed him, "warm me up."

He pushed me off of him. "I'm not your heater Lusa," he hrummbled, and continued on matching to where ever his destination was.

"Oh," I gasped, "Just cause you caught the Avatar, doesn't me I automatically become nothing to you."

Zuko turned around to face me. "You're acting selfish Lusa," he pointed out.

I glared at him. "I can't firebend, and we were literally in one of the coldest places on Earth."

He glared down at me, dispite the fact it was only an inch difference. "So you can insult me, but I can't point out your wrong doings?"

I rolled my eyes and took a step away from him. "I just try to help you Zuko," I pointed out, "Not my fault you can't see it."

"I don't need your help!" the prince yelled out to me.

I let out a loud laugh before closing the door that lead to the cabins as loud as I could. In my rage I wanted nothing more to barge into my own cabin and scream until my throat was raw. But instead Iade it to Zuko's. I figured the Avatar would need his staff. Why would I want to wait to release him, when I could do it now.

Suddenly the door slammed closed, despite the fact I left it open. I turned around, expecting it to be Zuko, who had stormed after me in rage. It was the Avatar. I looked between him and the staff I had in hand. "I guess you want this," I said with a smirk. I held it out to him. "Can I at least know your name?"

"I'm Aang," he introduce himself. "Are you willing to help me get off this ship?"

I rolled my eyes, "That was my plan to begin with," I assured him. "Now, how's your stealth?"

It was good enough to get us to the main deck, which I hoped was enough. From my knowledge, I knew Airbenders could fly. "Save the world," I told him as a good bye. He opened up his glider and almost flew off.

Key word, almost. A fire ball shot at him out of the sky. Not by a direct hit, but by coursing a dosbalance causing him to fall back to the ship. "Zuko!" I shouted at the culprit.

"You let him escape!" he accused me, "Guards, seize Rezu, and confine them to their cabin."Depite the fact I wanted to resist the hold on me, I knew it was pointless. There was no where else fore to go, but here.

The guards were at least kind when they forced me into my cabin. They were sorta my friends after all. They didn't pull me every which way. They more so guided me to my cabin than actually forced me there. Didn't stop the fact that I didn't want to be there.

I looked down at the empty water basin by my door. With a loud yell I kicked the bowl with all my anger. I stormed over to my cot, searing the carpet with every step. This is why I'd dint like getting angry.

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