Chapter 9

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I stood on the deck, glad my cold was finally clear. I could breath properly again. That meant I was back to training with Zuko. "Prince Zuko," Iroh called out to his nephew.

Zuko stood up straight and out away his swords. On the other hand, I just flopped backwards onto the deck, blade stoll in hand. He had been making me go non stop for hours. To make up for lost days, in his words. Personally, I felt like I was losing my ability to breath again.

"You would be interested in the veiw," the retired General informed Zuko. Off Zuko went to look at what his Uncle was looking at. I only turned my head to see the two in my feild of vision.

The two looked off in the distance. "It's a giant blume of smoke," Zuko grumbled. It sorta felt like he was pointing out the obvious. "What is in that direction!" he yelled out, probably to the crew, but it seemed like anyone.

"My guess is water," I informed him sarcastically, "And probably, eventually, land."

"You should have just stayed sick," Zuko hissed before storming off.

I still just layed out, sprawled against the deck. My breathing was quickly returning to normal, but I figured if I get up, I'd be expected to do something. I didn't wanna do that.

Zuko's words were still ringing in my head. I 'abandoned all responsibilities' and was 'childish'. I hated those words. I hated that he said them. I know I say harsh words to him. That's cause he only listens that way. If I just softly suggest thing, he dosent take it. The only time hell think about something is if it gets thrown at his head.

Unlike him, I've thought about it all. I want to be how I am now. I'm happy. I'm with my best friend, and can practically do anything I want. I didn't need to obey anyone else. Spirits weren't constantly bothering me. My head was left to myself. I did have decisions forced on me. I could just do as I please. Was that really so bad?

"Would you like to join me for a cup of tea?" Iroh asked as he leaned over me, slightly blocking the sun from my face. I knew he had noticed the troubled look that was growing in my face.

I gave him a wide smile. "Could I have cinamon please?" I asked him in a sing singing voice.

"Of course," the man agreed with his own smile. He reached out a hand to help me stand.

Instead of going to the kitchen, where one would expect the tea instruments to be, we went of Iroh's cabin. He had his own tea collection, a surprise to no one. He was the one who taught me basic herbalism as well. You also don't really need a stove, when the one making the tea is a firebender. "How about a Eucalyptus tea, and a cinamon stick, gotta make sure you don't fall back into sickness," the old man offered.

"As long as there is plenty of cinamon," I reminded him with a bit of a laugh. I sat down, getting situated at the tea table in his cabin. I wasn't fond of the taste of most teas. I could stand cinamon tea. Then I started adding cinamon to every tea.

"At least you found a way to enjoy tea, unlike my stuck up nephew," Urih laughed as he brought over the cups, as the tea was already done.

I smirked and held the cup to my mouth. Iroh never made it too hot, just hot enough to drink. "Sometimes I feel our little tea parties we just complain about Zuko," I commented. I used my thumb to hold back my cinamon stick as I took a sip.

Iroh nodded at my comment. "We just expect more from him," he assured me. "He's lost right now."

I slightly smiled into my tea. I knew that. That's why I was still with him. He'd find his way, and I'd be there to stick with him through it. But is that what I was doing? I tried pushing him to the path I wanted. Not to mention it felt like he did the same thing to me. Was I just as lost as he was. "What about me?" I questioned, letting the smile slip from my lips.

"Lusa, you've stuck hy his side, while keeping your own mind," Iroh pointed out. "Many would just blindly follow."

I sighed. He did address what I was wondering. "Am I who I'm sposed to be? Have I just abounded everything recklessly? Do I even have any merit to do what I am doing? Am I... lost?" I couldn't bare to look up from my lap. For all I knew Iroh was disappointed in the person I have become. He was someone I did not want to disappoint.

" That is for you to decide, " Irih said mysteriously, in his old man ways.

I gasped out of internal termoil. "You're one of the only people I care about what they think of me. So tell me," I begged, "Do you think I'm..." There were soany words I could finish with. But none seemed right, to full encompass all I have done.

"What I believe," Iroh sighed. I heard him set down his cup. He was getting serious. "I believe what you did was the right thing. You're situation you were in wasn't one of joy or survival. You needed to get away from it all. Now you are free from all that had plaques you."

I slowly looked up to him, seeing the sincere smile in his face. It was one of assurance and comfort. "Now you must look into yourself, and find who you want to be. From the concern you show, I can take it that you don't like how you are now."

I took a deep breath and looked back down to my cup of tea. "I don't know who I want to be..." I confessed.

Irih let out a little laugh to lighten the mood. "No one does," he informed me.

I smiled back at him. Which turned to a smirk with my thoughts. "Why are you so straight forward with me, while you give Zuko riddles?" I questioned.

"You Lusa," he gave me his own smirk. "You actually listen. While I need something to get Zuko's attention. Not to mention Zuko needs to think about his action. You though, have a tendency to over think." I snorted at his comment.

A familiar sensation rocked the boat. We were docking. With a sigh I clambered up to my feet. "Time to figure out what was going on in the water, before land," I sighed, walking to the main deck.

Where we docked appeared to be a Fire Nation prison. I could assume for earth benders, as there was none around. Except for the scattered coal everywhere. It didn't take a genius to see there was a riot, and the earth benders over took the facility.

I was wandering around the deck, seeing if I could find and indication on what exactly happened. That was until I saw a glint not too far away. I found it to be a necklace. A familiar necklace. The one the water bender with the Avatar wore. The Avatar was here.

I held the necklace in my hand, inspecting the carving in the stone. "Rezu, what did you find?" Zuko holard over to me.

I looked down at the accessory I held in my hand. What type of person did I want to be? The thought ran threw my mind. I couldn't contemplate forever. "Just a cool shaped lump of coal," I yelled over. Saying I found nothing would have been suspicious. Something rediculous was right up my alley. "Wanna see it?"

With a groan and an eye roll, the prince diverted his attention from me.

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