3: Highway to Hell

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Hey there, Readers!

Thank you so much for reading this story, it means a lot! I hope you are all enjoying this as much as I am! I am addicted to PJO and Supernatural so this is the best thing ever to me. Let me know what you think about this chapter with the clash of the two worlds!

XOXO Ally Layne.


Persie was drinking some green tea when the boys finally made their way back into Bobby's kitchen. She was still working on the list for her uncle and was slowly starting to become impressed with herself as to how many monsters she's had to deal with over the years.

Unfortunately, with the Winchesters in town, she has the bad feeling that the list is going to grow even more by the time she's done with them.

She had popped a frozen pizza in the oven and was waiting patiently as the faint aroma of baked cheese and bread caught her nose.

Dean, the oldest Winchester, immediately spoke, "Bobby says you've been to hell-"

Bobby quickly cut him off. "The Underworld, ya idjit. A different thing altogether."

Persie's eyebrows lifted at the shifty looks that crossed the brother's faces. "Hell?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you know, the place where all the bad people go once they kick the bucket? Eternal fire? Torture?"

She shrugged. "I didn't say I've never heard of hell, hotshot. I just don't know what you want me to tell you about it."

"So you've been to the... uh, the Underworld?" Sam asked, furrowing his brows. "And you were alive?"

Persie let out a snicker. "It sounds odd, I know. My uncle Hades kidnapped my mom-"

"Woah- Uncle Hades?" Dean asked, eyes wide. "How many uncles do you have? And how is Hades your uncle?"

She laughed again. "My father is Poseidon, god of the seas," she told them. "The Greek and Roman gods from the myths are real- they're still kicking and breathing to this very day. And because they're alive, they're still in the business of hooking up with mortals."

Sam swallowed visibly. "Like in the myths?"

A crooked grin made its way onto her lips. "Exactly like the myths." She paused. "Only, they weren't myths. It was all true, give or take some small things that might have been changed over the years."

Dean plopped down at the table across from her. "So, these gods are all real?"

Persie nodded. "As real as you and I."

"She's had to go on some quests just like the heroes of old, too. With prophecies and everything," Bobby told the boys. "When my wife's sister was kidnapped by Hades, the god of the Underworld, Persie went on a quest to get her back."

She pursed her lips. "Amongst other things."

Sam took a seat right next to his brother and looked to her curiously as Bobby took the pizza out of the oven when the timer went off. "What do you mean, other things?" Sam asked.

Persie took a sip of her tea. This was going to take a while. "Well, I was twelve when I was nearly killed by my psychotic pre-algebra teacher-"

"What the-"

"She turned into a Furie, sent from Hades in the Underworld to capture me and bring me to him," she continued to explain, ignoring Dean's interruption. "They're basically demon-bat-like creatures that are really, really nasty things. I don't recommend ever running into one."

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