15: A Few Blonde Visitors

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Dearest Readers,

Thank you for reading this story, I hope you have been enjoying it so far! I've recently dealt with some pretty hard times, a man who was like a father to me passed away a few weeks ago and it's been a little hard to come back from that. But, the characters and you- the readers, make it so hard to ignore how much fun it is to write these stories. So yes, y'all keep me coming back, so thanks for keeping me in line. You guys are the best!

XOXO Ally Layne.


"Don't mind me, I'm still confused as to how Blondie here could've gotten across the country this fast," a gruff voice spoke. "Oh wait, nothing seems to be making any sense with you or those friends of yours."

A raven-haired young woman shrugged, grinning up at the man from where she lay across the leather sofa. "I have no idea what you mean."

The newcomer, a blonde woman, rolled her grey eyes at her friend. She was sitting like a normal human- mind you- on the sofa, holding Persie's feet in her lap. "Stop acting like your brain is a wad of seaweed."

Persie rolled her head dramatically to look closer at her friend. "Shuddup, Wise Girl."

The man, Dean, raised a hand to his brow in exasperation. He finally started to understand what Sam must've felt all these years. "How did the two of you save the world, again?"

The blonde, curly-haired girl eyed the oldest Winchester seriously. "Who are you, again?"

Persie snorted. "This is Dean Winchester, you know, the one I told you about."

She nodded back in understanding. "The one you briefly spoke about?"

Dean groaned. "For the love of- now there's two of them!"

Sam chose that moment to walk into the living room after taking a shower, still using a towel to dry his hair so the excess water didn't drip down onto his shirt. He paused, noticing the girl who hadn't been there the night before. "Uh-"

Persie waved. "Hey Sam, look, my friend came to say hi."

The blonde waved at the younger Winchester, who was still standing in the doorway, gaping at her awkwardly. "Uh... hi, I guess."

Sam blinked. "Hi?"

Persie rolled over and sat up on the couch and flung an arm around her shoulders. "Who am I kidding? Guys, this is Annabeth, my bestest friend on the whole planet."

Annabeth, for her part, nodded solemnly. "I am she."

The brothers looked at the girl with slight confusion and awe. "And, I suppose you know who we are?" Dean asked.

She nodded, tucking a stray curl behind her ear. She was wearing a plain blue tee with some shorts that highlighted just how long and lean she really was. The blonde curls from the sun-kissed skin screamed California girl- but something in her eyes told them very differently.

"You are Dean Winchester," Annabeth said. "Older one of the brothers, savior complex, and severely addicted to booze, boobs, and grease. She looked over at Persie. "Am I missing anything?"

Persie leaned back, grinning at the interaction of pure magic. "No, please go on."

Dean held up a hand. "Nuh-uh, sweetheart. You forgot-"

"Your Impala?" She cut him off, smirk sliding onto her pink lips. "Yeah, I was under the impression that someone had that impounded."

Dean's expression fell, and Sam's snickers lit up the background. "We got her back, by the way," Dean gruffed.

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