Brady crossed his arms, "Try me." He said in a serious tone. 

Sam gritted out, "No. It's dangerous and you'll think I'm insane." 

Brady didn't move, "Then take me with you and prove that you aren't insane." 

"Goddammit Brady! You could get killed!" 

"So could you," Brady points out. 

Sam sighed, "Get in the damn car," he paused, "You better do exactly as I say or I won't hesitate to leave you on the street." 

Something flashed across Brady's eyes but he got into the car anyway. The pit in Sam's stomach only grew, knowing that this is not going to go well, but Sam has to try to find Dean and if this is what it takes then he was willing to do it. 

Brady watched in shock and mild concern as Sam effortlessly hot-wired the car and pulled out of the parking lot, "So before I ask how you knew how to do that... and just what the hell? How do you even know this 'Dean' person- and what was that fight about in the first place." 

Sam sighed, "Dean is my older brother and that other guy, well, he is my dad. He didn't like the idea of me going to college so I left. I never wanted to leave Dean though, he raised me since he was old enough to talk." 

Brady nodded but then asked, "So why did your dad want you to go to college?"

Sam tried his best not to snap at Brady, "He wanted me to join the family business, college isn't needed." 

Brady didn't say anything else for a while and Sam was grateful for that, "Where are we going?" He eventually said. 

"Uh," Sam glanced down at a sheet of paper, "Fairmeadow Elementry school." 

"What? Why?"

"Because that's where Dean will be," Sam responded. Between the hours of research and finally getting to the school, the sun shone brightly in the sky and it is 8:00 in the morning. 

Sam pulled into the parking lot and looked over to Brady, "Stay here." 

He didn't let Brady respond before he got out of the car and opened the trunk to pull out a pistol and tuck it in his waistband as well as a silver knife. 

Sam didn't see the Impala but looked around the area anyway. At the edge of the school was a woods and in front of the trees, there is two benches and a small table in between them. Sam wasted no time, jogging to the small sitting area. 

On the table was a yellow powdery substance, sighing sam set his finger in it and sniffed it. Sulfur. Demon.

Sweeping the area one more time for the Impala but with no luck walked back to his car and slid in the driver's seat, speeding out of the parking lot. 

"Care to explain what is going on?" Brady cried. 

Sam glanced at him then kept driving, "Not really." 

After a few minutes of driving, Sam pulled into the parking lot of a library and grabbed his computer from the back seat, "Let's go." 

Brady followed him into the building and looked around in confusion. Sam kept walking to the back of the room and picked a table in the corner, grabbing his computer out of the bag and resuming his research from the previous night. 

Brady occasionally asked Sam a question but was met with silence, after two hours, Sam triumphantly said, "I got it." 

He put his computer back into the bag and motioned for Brady to follow him out of the building and back into the car, "Sam, tell me what is going on." 

Sam shook his head and backed out of the parking lot, "I can't." 

Brady didn't respond, just wearily looked out the window. Sam carefully followed the directions to the abandoned building, Sam knew that identifying the demon would have no use because it is possessing someone else. Instead, he researched abandoned buildings in the area finding that the original Fairmeaddow elementary school was deserted in 1992 when the new one was built. 

The perfect place for a demon to take their victim. Sam parked the car in front of the old building then grabbed holy water from his bag shoving it in his coat pocket. He also grabbed a shotgun filled with rock salt. He held the gun on his left side so Brady wouldn't see it as he passed. Sam knocked on the window and Brady rolled it down quickly. 

"Don't move Brady, you go in there and you could die," Sam warned in a tough voice. 

Brady shook his head, "What the hell- Shit, is that a gun?" 

Sam sighed then nodded. 

"What in the sane hell is going on!" Brady demanded. 

"I'll explain later. Do. Not. Move." Sam punctuated then ran to the entrance of the door. 

Carefully he pushed open the door then snuck inside. The empty school halls made Sam feel unease. It also made him uncomfortable how easily he slipped back into hunting. All he had to do was flip a switch and he was back like no time had passed. 

Walking down the hall further he saw movement through the windows of the classroom at the end of the hall.  Carefully stepping as to not make much noise he neared the door and pulled his lock picking tools from his pocket, only to find the door was unlocked. 

Hesitantly he pushed open the door, gun raised. In the corner of the room was a tall girl, big brown eyes with long curly hair. If she wasn't a demon Dean would definitely hit on her, Sam thought. 

"Well, hello Sam," She hissed in a way only demons could. 

"Get away from them," He gritted noticing his brother tied to the chair blood seeping from his head. Next to him sat the little girl, his head lolled to the side with blood seeping from her ear.

"I love you Winchesters, you just think everybody will do what you say," she hisses again. 

"Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus," Sam began to say, locking his eyes with the demons. 

"Ah ah ah," she chided holding out her hand. Sam gasped as his gun flew from his hand and an invisible force pinned him against the wall. Sam grunted trying to pull away, but obviously it didn't work. 

"Who should I kill first, Sammy. Your beloved big brother, Dean, or this sweet little girl," She waved the knife in front of both, locking eyes with Sam. 

"Go to hell," Sam said in a strangled gasp. 

"I've already been there silly," She said as if she was talking to a four-year-old. 

Sam grunted and tried to push against the demon's powers but to no avail. 

She held the knife at Dean's throat with a smirk, Sam's heart sped up and he yelled at her in a strangled voice, trying desperately to move from the restraints. 

She smirked and moved to the little girl, she pressed just enough so blood trickled down the young girl's throat. 

A headache grew as Sam struggled more, he let out a strangled scream. This headache made him feel like his head was being split open. He let out another strangled scream, trying to push against the invisible restraints. 

Suddenly, they were gone, Sam walked forward grabbing the demon at the throat. For the first time, her smirk slipped and her face showed confusion. Sam based her head against the wall and began to recite the exorcism. The demon opened her mouth the black fog rising to the ceiling and going out of the room. 

Sam looked at the demon for a minute, what the hell?

When he looked back over to the girl and to Dean he grabbed his knife from his pocket and began untieing the girl. As soon as he was done with her he moved to Dean cutting the ropes from his wrists. Dean's body slipped forward, but Sam caught him. 

"Hey, hey, Dean, look at me. Dean, wake up, c'mon," 

"Sammy?" He whispered. 

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