Chapter 30 ~ Legacy

Start from the beginning

"You're crazy," one of them croaked, "there's no way you're just a stupid Jedi Togruta. They're never that strong."

Ahsoka scowled and marched up to the Sith that had said that, calling one lightsaber to her hand while allowing the other to retreat to her belt, "So maybe I'm not a Jedi," Ahsoka growled, poising her blade over the Sith's head, "but I'm 100 percent Togruta, and let me tell you, we can be pretty bad a**."

With that, she thrust her lightsaber into the already-dying Sith's head, then pulled it out and prepared herself for her next move. "Nobody ever insults my people."

And, just like that, Ahsoka went on to kill thousands of more Sith. They just seemed to keep on coming from nowhere, as if they weren't dying or something. The further the battle went on, the more concerned the Togruta began to get. Nothing was working, at all. She tried Force-Lightning, blasts, maneuvers that could kill up to 20 Sith at once, and everything in between, but she wasn't even making a dent.

As far as it went with the others, they were having even less luck. Jedi Knights and Padawans were dropping like flies, and Ahsoka had even painfully witnessed the death of a couple of Council members as well. Even the more skilled and advanced Jedi Masters were struggling to hold their own, and that was saying something. Yoda himself had started to break a sweat and slow down.

"We need a new plan," Ahsoka mumbled to herself, drawing Force energy to her hands and bringing them together to create a blast for about the tenth time in the last twenty minutes, "or some more offensive tactics."

Suddenly a transmission started coming through on her comms. She brought it up to her lekku, then began to listen.

"Ahsoka, Ahsoka do you copy?" Obi-Wan's voice rasped.

"I'm here Obi-Wan," Ahsoka replied, electrocuting a Sith that had tried to charge her without even looking up.

"I need help... I'm being overrun," he pleaded.

"Alright, I'm on my way," Ahsoka responded determinedly, then jumped up in the air. Once she had reached her peak height, she took control of herself and shot off flying, scanning the dim arena for the Jedi Master. She finally caught sight of him and began to silently panic as she saw that he was being ensued by more than 25 Sith.

"You and Anakin both," she grumbled, landing beside him, "always managing to get into trouble."

Ahsoka took control of her lightsabers using the Force, then quickly raced them through the insides of the Sith. In one, out of it, and into another.

"You know, that's a good idea," Obi-Wan marveled, then tried to mimic it. It took him a few tried to completely gain control of his blue lightsaber, but he finally managed to master the skill and take out the last few Sith.

"Just don't forget to clean the handles after," Ahsoka laughed as she brushed her lightsabers against a fallen Sith's cloak, "or you'll be in for a nasty surprise."

"Good thing I'm not planning on eating anytime soon," Obi-Wan moaned, "because I believe you just made me lose my appetite."

Ahsoka chuckled, and, once sure that her job was complete, she ran off again. However, this time, she found that the usual bounce in her step was a little bit... lacking. Her muscles were beginning to slightly cry out from all of the work that she had been doing for the past couple of hours.

"Oh hush," Ahsoka grumbled, "you aren't dying, are you?"

She didn't care if people thought of her weird because she was scolding her own body like that anymore. She was tired, they were tired, and overall, everyone was just done with this. Ahsoka was pretty sure that they thought that they would've already won or lost by now.

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