Chapter 1

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This book contains violence and other topics some people may be uncomfortable with. 

Deku's POV

The heroes had driven me into a dead end, and I was running out of ideas. Shigaraki was supposed to meet me here after I had managed to distract the Pro Heroes. Unfortunately, they managed to pick up on what I was doing and split up.

If the plan failed Kurogiri was supposed to get me out of here...

That's when it hit me.

They ditched me...

Of course they did. What did I expect? I failed.

I was not needed anymore.

I was on my own...

5 Hours Earlier

Shigaraki told me that I had to create a distraction for them to sneak into UA. They would retrieve some information on some heroes and students. They would then use this information to plan their next attack.

I came up with an idea. I would lead all the heroes in the area into an ally. I would then ambush them, blocking their path so they had no chance to escape.

Unfortunately Pro-heroes Midnight and Kamui Woods saw me trying to execute my plan and ended up running after me, leading me to where I am now. The rest of the Pros went to protect the school.

Present Time

The two heroes found me in my little hiding spot in an ally way. It was over and I knew it. The heroes knew it too, but there was no way I was going down without a fight. 

I started throwing knives recklessly. Only one found its target. It hit Midnight in the thigh. I was too focused on Midight that I forgot about Kamui Woods for a second, but a second was all he needed. Wrapping me in his branches, Midnight activated her quirk; Somnambulist.

I chucked the few knives I had remaining before slowly falling. I scanned the area around, there was nothing I could do to escape. It was the end of the line. That's when I blacked out.

Aizawa's POV

The villain captured yesterday was just a teen... 

He had killed hundreds of people, but he was just a teen... 

Or did he have help...? was he a part of a bigger group... The LOV? Possibly... 

How could Nezu's idea possibly work on Him? He was one of the most wanted villains in Japan. Nearly everyone in the country knew who he was. 

Why would he change just for some school...?

Deku's POV

My eyes slowly opened adjusting the light, I scanned the area. I was in a white room. No windows, one door, a table and a chair which I was tied to. The cuffs were strong and I would not be able to break through. I had quirk-cancelation cuffs on. I found this amusing. They probably didn't know much about me if they used this to hold me down.

Suddenly the door opened to reveal a rat-bear, a mummy and an average-looking detective. I recognized the rat-bear as Principle Nezu of UA. 

What was he doing here?

 The mummy was Shouta Aizawa/Eraser head, who is a current teacher at UA.

What was he doing here?

The detective was Detective Tsukauchi, one of the most successful detectives for the police.

What was he doing here? 

To question you idiot. My brain said.

oh yeah.

Principle Rat-bear walked up to me and began to speak in a small, squeaky voice.

That's when things started to get weird.


Hello to all of you reading! Just wanted to say thank you for reading! Really appreciate it! I'll try to update as much as I can but as I'm a busy teen doing busy things, so please don't expect too much from me! 

This is my first book so I apologize if it hasn't met your standers.

Thanks for reading!


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