Part 13 "Small talk"

Start from the beginning

"Why the hell do I have to go all the way to Sydney? That's so far away from Crystal" Michael whines again at Calum. You could tell Cal was fed up with his behaviour, this may have been the tenth time he repeats it.

"Okay Michael, you'll go to Busselton then instead of Ashton, and he'll go to Sydney. Are you happy?" Calum glared at him, he nodded like a happy puppy and went off his way.

"I'm sorry Ash" Calum sighed, shaking his head, which made Ashton chuckle.

"It's fine mate, doesn't matter" thankfully someone here was willing to do things.

"Okay, me and Louis are going to Queensland, Longreach?" Mali asked, which you confirmed.

"Me and Si are going also to Queensland, but to Birdsville?" Luke asked which Calum nodded to.

"And Ash, me and Sarah are going to Sydney" Liam then confirmed

"Willow and I are going to Melbourne and Michael and Niall will be going to Busselton" Calum finished and finally everybody was satisfied with their locations and partners.

"Woohoo, let's get some sleep then" Crystal said in relief, everyone chuckled as Michael hugged her and slowly pushed her to the stairs, everyone going off to their rooms. You got to yours and went straight to bed, extremely tired.

"Hey Cal?" you whispered, he hummed in response.

"Aren't you scared?" you continued on. He furrowed his brows.

"Of course I am, but that shouldn't bother you" he answered honestly.

"How can it not?" you asked, your body awakening by just words.

"Well, if that kept you away from things you wouldn't try them out. You'd be left wondering what if... Besides, our people are rooting for us and we can't let them down" he smiles, you sigh, but smile too.

"You're right, goodnight" you kiss his cheek.

"Night, Willow".


It was morning after a long, long night. Bags were being carried to the cars, last minute checks if somebody forgot anything, pep talks to keep eachother off of bad thinking and so on.

"You're going to keep all eyes on her Styles, right?" Michael says, glaring at Harry. Although he may have been shorter and younger, but he was certainly intimidating.

"Oh Michael just leave him alone. I'll be alright, I'm not helpless" Crystal groans, hugging him, so Mike sends a death stare at Harry, but it changes into a smile as he hugs Crys back.

"Everyone ready?" Calum asks, when everybody nods it's time to go. You got outside and went to the white car that was already out of the garage, everyone else going over to theirs while Crys and Harry stood at the porch looking at you.

"See you in a few days" Ashton smiled, and so you waved eachother off, leaving Harry and Crys last.

"Good luck" Calum said before entering the driver's seat. In a few minutes five cars went their separate ways, some action at last.

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