Akizuki made his way to the break room and scratch his head. "I finally get to take a break!"

He then saw the bag on top of the table where Karin had left it. She had warn him and the rest to not touch the bag, especially him. But as he sat down in front of it only to make him more anxious. He hesitated to grab it or not.

'Maybe one peak won't hurt.'

He smirked and tried to grab it, but then Karin show up. "Akizuki!" He jumped and look at her. "A large order just came in, so could you help manager at the kitchen?"

"S-sure!" He exclaimed and stood up, clearly dissapointed that he didn't get to read the book.

Karin notice what he was trying to do and smirked. "Oh, I see. You were trying to read it, huh?"

"No I wasn't!"


The day soon become evening. Kaho skipped to the break room after finishing getting the orders. "Break time, break time!" Her eyes suddenly went to the bag just as she opens the door.

Same as Akizuki, she couldn't help it and wanted to see what was inside. She quitely walk to the bag and tried to grab it. "Excuse me..."

Suddenly, Mafuyu appeared behind the table and grab a hold of the bag. "You dirty teenage girl..."


"Jeez." Mafuyu huffed as she hug the bag close.

"After all, I'm the only one who hasn't seen it, so I'm curious!" Kaho nervously said, poking her fingers with each other.

"You're the only one? For Maika, it was just an accident." Mafuyu replied as Kaho pouted. "Besides, look at the distance between Maika and this magazine." She then pointed at the corner of the room to reveal Maika with a red face while sitting on one of the chairs.

"I didn't realize Maika was there..."


The next day had come again. Maika calmly walk to the familiar path as her keychain dangling on her bag. As she arrived, she went straight to the break room to greet the others.

"Good morning!" She greeted as her eyes laid to the table to see the bag. She yelped at the sight. "Th-the customer hasn't picked it up yet then, huh?"

"They're probably had a hard time to come back and take it." Karin said as the girl went to her side.

"But it's bad for me, just leaving it here!" Kaho said, a bit upset that she didn't get to see it. "I'm so curious about it that I can't concentrate on my work!"

"And we can't throw it away. What should we do?" Mafuyu asked, looking back at the bag and think.

"Why don't we ask all of the customers?" Maika suggested.

"Do you know what you're saying?" Akizuki bluntly said.

The brunette continued his words. "Although that would be a good idea, but it might be unpleasant to ask the customers about it."

"N-no!" Maika protested. "We'll ask in a roundabout way so that only the owner will realize it."

Karin think that it won't work, but she let Maika try it.


"Excuse me..." Maika started as she went to a table with two boys as they both were talking. "I'm going to ask you an awkward question. Do you like being tied up?" She asked as her gaze suddenly got dark.

"Hey!" Akizuki yelled for her as Maika got grabbed by Karin.

"That's too direct!" He scolded as the brunette nodded in agreement.

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