"Okay...look, I'm not gonna get involved in your matters but..remember what's more important at the end of the day. This dude...almost killed you...and someone else. Maybe it's time to consider—"

"Ithlilen, no. I said I'm fine. I'll get over it." She snapped in a tone that mirrored that of her passed self. Her brother stood back and nodded finalizing.

"Alright. Oh hey, I wanted to let you know...the first demolition derby is tonight so I won't be home until late. And remember Raph and his band mates have a rehearsal tonight as well."

"Wait, so I'll be home alone? For how long?" Clara asked gripping the straps of her backpack in utter fear. The very thought of it terrified her. Home alone with the knowledge Ethan is out there in her neighborhood somewhere. He was always good at obtaining supposed confidential information. Whose to say he doesn't already know her address?

"Uh...the derby finishes around 10:30 tonight. Then the buds and I are gonna hang out to chill a little bit afterward."

"What? Ithlilen, it a school night!" Clara scolded with much similarities as a parent would.

"Come on, don't be a killjoy! Momma and Mom aren't home! Let's live a little bit!"

Normally Clara wouldn't care as long as Ithlilen kept in touch. However, the longer he was out with his "buds", the longer she would be home alone.

"What about Raph? When he's coming home?"

Raph waved his hand showing "tomorrow" was the correct answer. He would be staying over at his bandmate's house. Clara groaned feeling her skin prickle. She knew if her brothers weren't gonna be home to protect her, than being home at all seemed all to risky. Maybe she was overreacting, but maybe she wasn't. She learnt a long time ago to expect the unexpected when it came to Ethan. If he wants something...he always finds a way.

Even if he hasn't tried anything yet, from what Clara knows about him he won't give up so easily. He's plotting. He has to be.

"It's okay, I'll stay with a friend tonight too."

Ithlilen grinned silently agreeing that was a smart option. The bell ringing indicated the departure time for the students. Clara went out on a search to find a certain friend in the hallway.

It didn't take long to find them standing at her locker shifting through her assortment of college level class textbooks.

"Hey Naomi! Can I talk to you for just a moment?"

The brown haired girl, with her arms full of heavy books that almost definitely could've weighted more than her, turned to Clara almost knocking her out in the process.

"Woahhh...hey..need a hand?" Clara offered taking the textbooks at the top of the pile. "Wow, busy day today, huh?"

"What do you mean, Clarabelle? Everyday is a busy day!" Naomi chuckled as she repositioned herself. "Ah, there we go! Thank you! So, what can I do for you?"

"Oh...I was just wondering what you were doing tonight."

"What do you mean what am I doing tonight? It's a school night! I'll be most definitely doing homework, studying, and of course there's extra credit! Plus, it's spaghetti night!"

Clara nodded chuckling at the rare moment Naomi let's her "smart" guard down and let's the quirky and goofy side shine through.

"Well...would you mind some company?"

Naomi stopped, looking into Clara's eyes as if she just shared the most dearest secret with her.

"Like..a sleepover?" Her eyes grew with clear excitement.

"Uh..sure! Yeah. Like a sleepover!"

Naomi gasped almost dropping her textbooks.

"Yes! I would love that! Oh! I've always wanted to have a sleepover! The last time I had anything close to that was my 6th birthday party...that nobody came to!" Her expression than darkened a tad, "Why didn't you come?"

"Oh..I'm so sorry—"

"There's no reason to be sorry now! I'm so excited! We can do all that teenage girls do! We can do each other's hair and nails while we gossip about how Courtney's skirt was 'so last week!' Oh what fun!"

Clara shifted on her feet feeling the eyes of onlookers on them curious over why the so called 'psychic robot' was so excited. On of the pairs of eyes on them belonged to Courtney herself.

"Oh, don't worry Court, your skirt looks great!" Clara gave her an uncomfortable thumbs up.

"I'll see you tonight at my house around 4:30, actually...make it 4:32, that'll give you time if traffic gets in the way! Oh...it's gonna be so...fetch!"

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