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Rudra was sitting comfortably in his chair in his room. The room was dark with only a fire burning in the fireplace to keep the chill away. Rudra was sipping coffee and drinking it slowly while looking at some documents. Suddenly he looked up and asked so, "how much success we achieved?". A man suddenly came out of the shadows and bowed down to Rudra and said its almost complete. We only need a few more days to complete it.

Rudra ; You know that we can't afford any mistakes now, take care of everything properly and never allow any mistakes. Dismissed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Rudra looked up at the door and then looked at the man in the shadows. The man in the shadows suddenly got mixed into the darkness like water in water. Then Rudra slowly closes the file he was looking at, then throws it into the fireplace. And watched for a bit to see it burn. Then he said, "come in".

The door opened and Abdul came in wearing his black three-piece coat and black pants that were ironed to perfection. On his nose was a round British omni glass. His hands covered in white gloves. His face had that aged look that one would see on a man that has passed through a long stimulus life. His bald head shining like the moon.

He came in and then changed the coffee that Rudra was drinking. He slowly said, "Sir Miss Maya is outside seeking an audience with you." Rudra said, "tell her to come in". Abdul bowed and then went out of the room taking the trolly that he brought with him. Suddenly after a few moments Maya came in.

Maya: Umm young master...

Rudra put his finger on his lips and said. "Just call me Rudra miss Maya in private and public, we aren't that official." With a smile on his face that shined in the fire.

Maya: (hesitated a little but ultimately gave in) Yes Rudra. I just received a message from Master Prakash, querying about your training for the regional yodha tournament. What should I tell him?

Rudra: (smiled a little) You are smart miss Maya. Well, tell him everything is fine.

Maya: Rudra I know you are powerful with your lord level demons but there are a lot of powerful opponents out there who can be cunning and ruthless to say the least. I think you should Train a bit with me sir, with all due respect.

Rudra did not say anything seemingly pleased with the care of this little miss caretaker of his. He said, "All right miss Maya as you wish. Let us go to the training room."

Maya and Rudra went to a huge hall room that had a floor to celling glass on one side. The room was fitted with many cameras and sensors for the benefit of the ones training. On the other side of the glass were many computers controlled by an AI that recorded and analysed these datas.

Maya said she was going to use a new monster that was on the lord level to fight with lucifer. Rudra simply nodded and then they took their place at each end of the hall to fight.

Maya: Eragon come out.

A huge dragon with a wingspan that can cover an entire football field appeared out of thin air. The dragon like creature was deep black in colour and it had light scales covering its back. Its talons could rip out a tank into two with a sift movement. It had deep red eyes glaring with a killing intent. The it let out a bone chilling roar looking at the sky that could burst out a normal human ear. Thankfully, the hall was isolated out from the rest of the world. Maya was pleased looking at Eragon. Eragon was not a demon but a monster mutated from grave lizard. After countless hours of training and engaging countless fights it has evolved into a dark dragon. Maya has many memories attached with this creature.

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