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"Your name on my tongue humbles honey."

— Baraka Blue


Childhood friends Yoo Nari and Ryu Jihoon grow up together in Busan—until Jihoon leaves for Seoul to accomplish his dream of being a singer-songwriter.

When they bump into each other eleven years later, things are vastly different.

For game designer Yoo Nari, life is unforgiving. Her job demands perfection. Her ex demands a second chance. Her mother demands satisfaction. Each day is a battle, and she's losing the war.

For blacklisted singer Ryu Jihoon, life is a prison. After the widely publicized suicide of his rival singer sparks the downfall of his career, he disappears from public eye, trapped in a nine-to-five job with no hope of pursuing music ever again.

Perhaps that's the way all things are. A high of excitement followed by steep disappointment as life gets its way. Some things, after all, just aren't meant to be.  

Or are they?


Seoul, South Korea

Busan, South Korea

Fall 2018


Suicide and depression

Mild violence



Copyright © 2018 by Krissy Yoon

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the author
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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