Chapter 1: What's Christmas?

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Hi guys! So Christmas is right around the corner and I decided to share this Christmas-themed fanfic with you. Enjoy!


I dedicate this first chapter to Paintedlotus. She's my first friend on Wattpad and her fanfics are amazing. Happy Belated Birthday!


"Deck the halls with boughs of holly. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la. Tis the season to be jolly. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la."

Lucy sang as she decorated her room with various Christmas decorations. From paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling to colorful lights attached to her walls.

The sound of her oven went off, signaling the completion of Lucy's gingerbread cookies. As Lucy walked to her kitchen, the scent of her cookies grew stronger, making Lucy's mouth water.

"I can't wait to eat--" Lucy started to say as she entered her kitchen, but interrupted herself when she saw Natsu and Happy eating her freshly-baked gingerbread cookies.

The two looked in Lucy's direction and smiled. "Yo Lucy!"

"My cookies!" Lucy screamed and kicked Natsu in the stomach, making him fly across the kitchen.

Lucy just ignored her teammates after that and started to put her cookies in a basket to let it cool down.

"Lucy why do you have so many boxes in your room?" Happy yelled out.

Lucy heard a crash and then the sound of glass shattering on the ground. She quickly put the rest of her cookies in the basket and ran to her room.

When she arrived, she noticed the broken ornament on the floor and some of her decorations scattered throughout her room.

Lucy grabbed a broom and dustpan and started cleaning up the broken glass.

"Can you guys not touch my boxes?" Lucy politely asked as she started organizing the scattered items in her room.

Natsu and Happy just ignored her and continued their "scavenger hunt."

"What is all this stuff for anyway?" asked the curious dragon slayer.

"I'm decorating my house for Christmas," Lucy pointed out while she tried put the final touches to her decorations.

Natsu and Happy looked at their teammate with confusion. Lucy noticed this and returned the look of confusion. "What?"

"What's Christmas?" asked Natsu and Happy in unison.

Fairy Tail: Lost Christmas (NaLu Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now