78. Talking to Eywa

Start from the beginning

My human body's days are numbered. My days are numbered. So many things I wished to do, so much I want to be and so much I wished to change coming down to this single moment. I am proud to help the Na'vi, to give all the knowledge I can to ensure they survive, not only this battle, but the years to come. The Tulte have a saying and one I love, 'Give the idea machine an inch and it will go a mile, but place a guiding hand into the ideas and they take a new form.' Tulte may not have electricity or technology, but we do have our creative minds, which is how we created such arrows that I now willingly give this well guarded secret to the Na'vi. Maybe one day, long after I have passed, the Na'vi can push Sky People from their home here and insure they never return. If Tulte can take out machines twice the size of ones we are seeing here, I can see Na'vi doing the same.

I... I only ask one thing, Eywa, just one thing. I thought sadly, my face scrunching up from the pain of such a thought, Please, please let Tsu'tey survive and be happy when I am gone. It hurts, it hurts a lot to think of him moving on, forgetting me as his friend, but I really do want him to be happy.

All I ask is that he is happy and alive after I am gone.

I sighed and opened my eyes, looking down at Ca'lil, who was staring at me with worried little innocent eyes. I could see her pain, her pain that the loss of her home, her parents, and families she knew. Yet I could also see that she was worried about me. It hurt to think she has come to depend on me a lot more than anyone else, but I will give her all the love and care I can, like I would have done if I had a younger sister before my parents passed. Me and Ca'lil have a lot in common and, though we do not share blood, since saving her life she has really become the child I am most fond of. I will be the older sister she never had for as long as I can.

I smiled sleepily at her, "I need to get some sleep, Ca'lil, why don't you go join the other children?" I asked quietly. She frowned at me more and hugged me tighter.

"I not want to leave you, I scared of dreams." She whispered. I sighed, combing my hand through her hair. Normally I would be prefectly okay with this but since this body is not truly my own, I can't wake her from nightmares in the middle of the night.

"Ca'lil, I am a Dreamwalker. I have another body and, when I sleep in this body, I wake up in that one. I won't be able to wake you from nightmares." I said sadly. She still hugged me tighter, looking up at me with bright eyes. I sighed, deciding at least my avatar can offer her some comfort while I am gone. I picked her up, wrapped her in my arms and found a cozy spot of moss for the two of us.

She wrapped her arms around me, her head buried in my white hair as I combed my fingers through her braids, my eyes fluttering till I fell asleep.

I gasped quietly, opening my eyes to the light blue light inside The Link Chamber. I held completely still, my entire body locked in place from shear pain as I listened closely. I could hear Trudy and Norm stomping around in the other trailer, but luckily no one is in this one, making me sigh in relief as I fumbled shakily for the release hatch, sighing as the overhead lifted itself. I looked around my trailer, seeing a few things have been moved to the other trailer, but my fridge remained untouched, mostly because it doesn't have anything Norm or Trudy need.

Carefully, I placed my feet down on the ground, my jaw gritted so tightly my teeth ached as I fought to keep the loud whimpers down. I carefully stood, stumbling to the fridge, luckily no more of my leg is getting locked up, so maybe I have a bit of luck in that part. Yet, the unpleasant cold feeling of my stomach is a lot worse, making me worry my lip between my teeth as I opened the fridge and pulled out my next dose of the painkiller mix. I have enough for another week, which is probably all the time I have left.

I drank it down, not caring at how disgusting it is as I nearly sobbed in relief at the pain, sagging against the counter as I hung my head, looking up with exhaustion at the trailer around me. I moved to the mirror and stared in horror at my sickly looking face, hollow cheeks and sunken eyes. I looked like walked death and honestly it horrifies me. I looked in the direction of the other trailer, grimacing as I heard sounds I definitely did not want to hear coming from Trudy and Norm.

Maybe I will just stay over here....

I pulled out a jerky bar, frowning at the dropping amount of them before taking a bite, pulling my water out of the fridge as I untied my ponytail, letting my frayed and dead looking hair fall and cover the horrible look of my face. I looked over at the mirror before quickly turning it to face the opposite direction. I grimaced at sounds I didn't want to hear and did something I normally don't do.

I pulled out an old I-Pod. Tom gave it to me when I needed to focus while training for the Avatar Program and, with my hatred of technology, I never really used it. I plugged in the earbuds and laid down on my Link, pulling up my blanket and pillow, surprised with what I heard come through the I-Pod. It wasn't music, it was the smoothing sounds of a running river, birds chirping and all manner creatures that once roamed Earth.

The sound was soothing and made it to where, finally, I could sleep.

Well, leaving it off there, still got more to write before the battle starts, trust me. I know it's a shorter chapter but there isn't a terrible lot I can add to this one. Enjoy!

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