45. Flying in The Floating Mountains

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I released my eagle cry up to the leaves of Hometree, hearing Solros' roaring reply as he came barreling down out of the leaves like a stumbling hatchling, landing in front of me and sitting like an excited dog. I raised my hand over my lips, struggling to control my want to snort at Solros' actions.

"White Foot seems... over excited." Tsu'tey said in Na'vi. I grinned as I looked at Tsu'tey, who was looking in mild amusement at Solros.

"This is the third time he has responded this way, I get the feeling he rather enjoys flying with me." I said, reaching out and placing my hand on Solros' head as he lowered it, antenna coming around the side, excited to fly. I placed my forehead on Solros', then pulled my head away and rolling my eyes at Solros' eagerness for a flight.

Tsu'tey released his own cry as I peeked at him out of the edge of my eye, watching as his ikran Pil came out of the roosting area for the ikran much more gracefully, landing perfectly with her head held high, glaring at Solros. I get the feeling she is showing off how much more proper she can be than Solros. I grinned at that, Solros not even acknowledging her, too excited to fly, all him focus on me.

Night and day difference, these two are. Solros the overly curious and constantly happy White Foot, and Pil the prideful and stern ikran. Proves how different Tsu'tey and I really are, yet for some reason we get along, sort of.

Well, less than sort of, since we insult each other a lot, though recently its become more teasing than actual insults. I looked at Tsu'tey out of the edge of my eye as he patted Pil's head, my eyes following the lithe muscle of his raised arm to his stern looking face that is blank but hinting at a scowl even now.

As I watched him, I was once more reminded of my discovery, that I have developed feelings for him. Yet, I know I can't ever act on those feelings, I don't think I can even stop them at this point. I can't ever truly love him though, he has his duties to the Omaticaya and I will not stand in the way of that.

I will keep reinforcing that in my head till my believe it, even if my heart does not. Even if he wasn't destined to be mates with Neytiri, I couldn't put him through the pain of loving me and then losing me when this sickness finally catches up with me. I closed my eyes tight, leaning my forehead on Solros' again to ground myself, feeling the repeated turmoil again before pushing past it.

Live in the moment, don't look to far into the future. If I do... I fear I may drown in the pain and heartbreak.

I smoothed my expression as I grabbed my queue and held it out to Solros, pushing all those emotions to the back of my mind, live in the moment. I connected my queue and hopped up on Solros' back, the White Foot already eager to take off, but I tightened my hold on his antennas to stop him for a moment, looking over as Tsu'tey gracefully and quickly connected his queue with Pil's and hopped onto her back with an ease that comes from practice.

I watched his movement interestedly as he perched on Pil's saddle, looking back at me with a blank expression, but I think I saw his lips tug up a bit before smoothing as he flicked his glasses down.

Suddenly he clicked his tongue and Pil dove off the tree like a giant bat, wings folded in close. Solros roared excitedly, jumping off behind her and streamlining his body for speed in his drop. I reached up and pushed my glasses down, my eyes watering at the wind. I grinned, letting out a whoop of excitement as Solros pulled out of the dive last second, spirling up beside Tsu'tey and Pil and releasing a roar. I smiled in amusement, realising Solros was aware of Pil's showing off and was showing off in return.

Pill squacked in annoyance as Tsu'tey smirked, looking at Solros and probably realising what the two flyers were doing. I stared at Tsu'tey's face, the smirk almost being a smile...

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