57. Injured

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I gasped awake, coughing at the pain I felt before it quickly faded as I continued to gasp. I opened my eyes to a sight I didn't expect of dim blue green lights and a metal roof overhead.

The Link Chamber.

My eyes widened in horror. Oh no, oh no this isn't good. I'm in The Link Chamber, I got kicked from The Link. I tried thinking back on all the terminology Grace tried telling me, which I honestly didn't understand no matter how hard I tried. But I do remember the possibility of being kicked out of The Link Chamber if the avatar in question is either gravely injured or if the avatar itself loses consciousness.

I'm holding out the hope on the avatar losing consciousness. Poor Solros, he is no doubt worried about me. I frowned as I tried thinking of what I hit...

I believe I hit a branch first, which threw me off, before I hit a tree and then... the ground? I winced at the thought of my injuries. Already I could list a possible few. What worries me is the going unconscious. If I am unconscious, then I hit my head on something and my avatar could possibly have a concussion. 

I can't leave my avatar like that. No one knows where I am, except maybe Tsu'tey, but those bulldozers were moving fast and I fell off to the side, I don't think I will be found by anyone. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing, letting my mind go blank...

Letting everything fade away...


Then I was pushed roughly back into The Link Chamber.

"By The Great Mother Eagles Wings!" I shouted in fear and anger. I can't lose my avatar, I can't, I just can't... If I do, then I will spent the rest of my days alone in this trailer till the cryosickness finally takes me. It's a horrible way to imagine going out, I don't think my soul could go to Eywa in this form, would I be lost? Or would Eywa be able to accept me in the voices?

I sighed and closed my eyes again, trying my best to fall back into The Link, only to be roughly pushed out like someone slapping me in the face. Panic began to fill me. What if my Avatar was dying alone on the ground? What would happen to my avatar? Eaten by a passing Thanator? I shook my head, pushing away my fear. Fear won't help me get back into my Avatar. Eywa needs me, The Tree of Voices needs me.

I winced a touch at the lingering pain that reached across The Link, remembering how in pain and desperate Eywa was. The pain Eywa showed me.... it was nearly as bad as my cryosickness when I am not taking the mixed medication for it. I have no idea how long its been, or if the bulldozers cut down all of those beautiful trees....

The horrific sight of the killed off land reminded me strongly of the battlefields on earth, the explosions, the destruction... the smog filled air and wreckage of old robots. IT is a horrible memory I try my best to forget, I try to focus only on the fact that I was able to save lives.

Because, deep down, that's all I want. To save people.

To save TULTE, to save Earth, to save people on the battlefield....

Now though, the things I want to save are different. To save the Na'vi, to save Eywa.

To save MY HOME!

With that, I closed my eyes and tried even harder to cross The Link once more. Each time I got kicked back, but there were a few times that gave me hope, where I saw the falling tunnel of The Link for but a moment. It was disorienting and I was getting quite the headache from it, but I persisted. 

There were a few times I picked up some from my avatar's senses, or what I thought was my avatar's senses. The smell of sap, then another of the sound of crunching broken branches. I think I may have even heard my name distantly called once or twice, as though the person in question was far away in the forest. I think I may have even felt a finned, thin head nudging my body to make me wake up. Solros. 

The Will of Two Worlds (Avatar Female OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora