77. Ca'lil

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I sat down among three different Na'vi arrow craftsman and women of each Clan as I held out my Tulte explosive arrow, now emptied of the dry pulp in which Aw'anyi had examined before having her Clan members gather small parts of each plant that is similar in it's reaction. I was quite surprised when it made the same reaction needed for the explosive arrows. Together, we worked and created a Na'vi craft version of my arrow, the mix held in animal skin bags from Sturmbeest and thin hair like strands that are strong from the same plant that grows feather like leaves. 

The arrow worked, so we set to work crafting one Na'vi arrow of both types and now here I am, the arrow crafting people of each clan listening as I described what is used in the making of the arrow and how it is crafted while Aw'anyi was showing the nuro toxin mixers how these new plant mixes were made, as well as the chemical mixers of her clan. The clans were surprised when I tested the arrow on a piece of metal dragged from somewhere for the Na'vi to practice on. They were surprised at how the sap like goop ate through the metal but did not harm the plants or the ground and were even more surprised at the explosive arrow that didn't start fires but made quite the blast, ripping apart the metal.

I have been explaining through half the night on how these arrows are crafted to plenty of Na'vi and many of the areas around the Caldera were now filled with the sweet smell of the plants being mixed and the smell of leather the people collected from their previous kills they brought with them from their clan homelands.

So here I sat, explaining an arrow around a fire.

"...This piece here needs to be tight, but not too tight that it would snap over the sharpened end. That is why it is tied here and here, so the string doesn't move but doesn't accidentally snap over the sharpened end. You need these tied tight around the tops of these bags or else the explosive part of the mix won't work. It's best to aim these into the clear, see through material because, once inside the flying machine, it will do enough damage to knock it from the sky..." I was explaining in depth, a Na'vi woman beside me who also speaks English, so when I don't know a word in Na'vi, she translates it for me, which I am thankful for.

Several of the Kekunan Clan had crafted me some pretty amazing things as I spoke to them of things my people used long ago. They handed me the horn of a rather large creature, much like a Sturmbeest, that roams the grounds below their mountains. The horn is large, almost the length of my whole torso, they surprisingly hollowed it out and tied braided leather straps to it, the sharp end dulled and the horn painted in colors of yellow and green, which is both the color of the Omaticaya's fletchings and Tulte's country colors. 

I was surprised at how much it reminds me old quivers my ancestors wore on their backs. Soon enough I had the quiver half full of explosive arrows.

The Tawkami Clan made me a sort of thank you for teaching them more of plant chemicals they ever thought of. I was pleasantly surprised by what they presented me with. First was an upper clothing bit made from the thick white leaves of some plant in their jungle. The leaves were bathed in a chemical mix that makes them stay as they are and not rot with age. I was very happy to receive this because it covers more of my upper chest than my brown cloth covering. It formed to my body more than I like but I was willing to deal with it just to feel a touch less uncomfortable wearing little to nothing. They also made me a loincloth from the same plant, which I thanked them for.

The Clan of the Eastern Seas, The Tayrangi Clan, which Jake flew out to, gifted me a few thing made from sea shells though I told them they didn't have to. But, making me uncomfortable like the Tawkami Clan did, they insisted the Daughter of Eywa be made to stand out in battle as a proud symbol.

That made me very uncomfortable, apparently the previous Daughter of Eywa did many times for them as well. So I now had a bead and white seashell mix of a snug sort of necklace around my neck and a few dangling from my arms, but tight enough not to move or impair my movements in battle. The Kekunan Clan also gifted me a bone made piece to hold my hair back for speak with and helping Toruk. The bone piece was threaded through with beads, painted colors, and plenty of those feather like plant pieces to hang from it down my hair. I even hooked my TULTE feather to it, which looks so different now with all the little additions the children added to it.

The Will of Two Worlds (Avatar Female OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora