Chapter 13: We Could All Use Some Saving

Start from the beginning

"Let's go," he said.

He led me to the lake, which was a bit far from the ranch.

"You know, you could have warned me there'd be this much walking," I joked when we got there.

"Just come on," he chuckled.

He pushed the canoe into the water and got in. I put on my life jacket and stepped inside as well, a bit startled when I felt the tiny boat wobble in the water.

He laughed. "You'll be fine."

"Yeah sorry if this makes me nervous," I said.

"We can go if you want," he offered.

"No," I immediately said. "No, sorry. You're being nice and once again I'm being a bitch."

He gave me a small smile. "Now Shayley, you're far from that."

I smiled in return and sat across from him comfortably.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, and don't worry, if you need some muscle I'll be happy to take over the rowing."

He chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind."

We...well he rowed to the middle of the lake and we sat in a comfortable silence, and I admired the beauty of nature.

"Peaceful isn't it?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah," I agreed with a small smile. "What? No deep quote today?"

He shook his head. "You know what, I forgot to check Pinterest for a good cringeworthy one."

I laughed, and then put my hand in the water to splash some on him.

"Wow, real mature," he said. "But if we're being childish..."

He trailed off and did the same to me, and I squirmed at how cold the water was. We went back and forth until he tried to get up but lost his balance.

"Jacob!" I yelled as he landed in the water with a splash.

I looked over the edge of the canoe and saw that he was completely submerged. "Jacob? Oh shit, JACOB?"


His head appeared above the water and he laughed as he wiped the water off his face.

I sighed in relief. "Oh you're okay, thank God."

"Aw, it's nice to know you care about me," he smirked.

"You did that on purpose you asshole," I said, but I couldn't help but smile. The grin he had on his face was contagious, no lie.

He stretched out his arm. "Help me in?"

I took his arm, but he used his strength to pull me into the lake. My hand slipped out of his unintentionally and I realized I hadn't inflated my life jacket.

I felt myself sink into the water. I put my hand on the jacket to inflate it but for some reason I didn't. I just let the current pull me deeper and deeper.

Maybe this was it.

No it wasn't Shayley...fight.

Maybe everything would end here.

Shayley, swim. You know how to, so swim.

I wouldn't have to suffer anymore.


Two voices were at war in my head, but clearly the stronger one was winning. The one I was used to hearing. At that point I couldn't do anything. It was like a metal ball had been tied to my ankle and it was dragging me down.

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