♦️ Chapter 48 || Why? ♦️

Start from the beginning

I say nothing and look away from him.

"You're so beautiful," He says softly.

I felt his eyes looking at me but I refused to look at him or even acknowledge him.

"Look at me when I talk to you!" He shouts as he grabs my chin forcing me to face him.

Fearfully I say, "Uhuh"

Then he places his lips against mine.

It was absolutely disgusting and I couldn't pull away, but I did bite his lip so hard in hopes that it will make him bleed.

He pulls back in pain touching his hand to his lips and I spit at him.

He shakes his head in anger and bends down to my level before slapping me across the face.

"Don't ever think about doing that again," He begins to pace, "And if you do I'll make the punishment ten times worse."

He kicks my feet before putting the gag back on my mouth and hastily leaving the room.

He locks the door and didn't come back for a long time. I lost track of the days, but all I know was that I was dying of thirst and that I was eagerly waiting for the next time he would bring me food and water.

I groan as I hate that I actually want Liam to come back.

I need to think of a way to get out of here.

Liam's footsteps walked towards the door and soon enough he was inside holding a tray.

I glare at him.

"Don't give me that look. You did this to yourself," he says as he places down the trey and grabs a bowl.

He sits down next to me and takes off the gag and feeds me some sort of soup.

I force my self to swallow, this was mentally painful.

"Why?" I ask moments later.

"It's cold because it was sitting out for a while I was-"

I shake my head, "No. I mean why are you doing this?'

He places down the bowl and stands up, "Nicole the moment I met you I knew you were the one for me. I fell absolutely head over heels in love with you, and I thought you felt the same. Then I saw you with that idiot Jake and new it wasn't long before he took you away from me. I tried to win you over but you saw me nothing more than a friend, and it hurt. Seeing you with someone else made my blood boil. I spent weeks planning. I was only hoping it wouldn't come down to this and that you would willing chose me but once I knew that was never going to happen I had to take matters into my own hands," he paused and looked me in the eyes, "I love you, Nicole. I never wanted to hurt you. I just wanted you all to myself." 

I clench my jaw and look away from him. 

He sits back down and continues to feed me. He tries to talk but I don't reply. 

I was eagerly waiting for him to leave me alone.

"If only you chose me," He said under his breath before finally leaving, "No I will make you mine."

He slammed the door completely forgetting to put my gag back on.

It doesn't even make sense why he puts on me anyways like I guarantee no one can hear me anyway and screaming for help would probably only lead him to beat me.

I rest my head against the wall.

Liam is absolutely insane. He doesn't even know what love is.

I could think about Jake.

I miss him so much. I never got to tell him how I truly felt.

I miss all the fun times we had together.

I smiled as I remembered when we all went to Maine and went bowling. How Jake and I competed to win bowling and how we continuously played with each other.

I shake my head and laugh, that was like my alter ego coming out. 

Man, I miss him.

Then my eyes widened.

That's how I'm going to get out of here!

I sigh knowing it will actually kill me internally.

"I love you, Jake!" I whispered looking up at the ceiling with watery eyes as if it will somehow help me, "I know what I have to do."

• • •


Ooop. I feel bad for Nicole. Do you know what she is going to do?

YESSSS I will update!! 

I will NOT forget to update either the story is almost done.

I love it when you guys remind me to update because it helps me get motives to write just remember to be nice about it cause some messages are so forceful. I will update as fast as I can! If you comment for me to update, just be nice about it :) mean comments make me not want to update ;) 

If you want more information about updates then give me a follow I often post updates on how the chapters are going and roughly when I will post them! I also always send out an update the second they are published!

Also, my birthday is in 6 days!!! 

Shoutouts to @nessa_chh @brontelillico @1Pink_Flamingo @kbadsis @HardlyAliveYet and @Quiinniii

Also thank you @layabear131 for standing up for me and spreading positivity for my book and my work. You don't know how much that meant to me, especially because I often get hate for my book. Seeing your comment made me smile and made my day a zillion times better!! Love you!

Don't be a silent reader 🌸

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Alyssa Rose

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