♦️ Chapter 48 || Why? ♦️

Start from the beginning

"Your crazy!" I shout at him.

He laughs as he rolls off of me and sits at my side, "Crazy in love."

I internally gag.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

I stay silent.

He gets up and goes to grab a bowl of food, "I mean it's your choice. I'm offering you food, you can starve if you want but I made perfectly good food."

I glare as I watch him bring back a plate of who knows what.

"Here," He places it in front of me.

"Like I could even eat it if I wanted to. I'm tied up remember!"

He laughs as he sits back down again, "Yes but I'm not," he says as he holds out a spoon.

"Oh hell no. I am not letting you feed me. I'd rather starve!"

He shrugs taking away the bowl and getting up.

Liam puts the cloth back over my mouth before leaving, "I'll be back shortly."

I roll my eyes, "Not like I'm going anywhere."

Once the door completely shuts, I fidget some more to try to loosen the rope on my legs but it's no used.

I tried to free my hands but no luck.

The more I move around, I actually think my hands are in handcuffs and tied to the wall with a rope.

I groan in frustration as I tried to pull my arms free from the wall but it only causes me more pain.

- - -

Days went by. Each day the same as the last.

Liam comes in, offers me food. I refuse and he leaves.

I was desperately hungry and today I was severely debating about letting him feed me despite how much mental pain I would be in.

I sigh as he enters the room once again.

"Hey, Nicole. I brought you some breakfast. I made chocolate chips pancakes today."

The smell of the pancakes filled the room and boy did they smell good.

"Are you hungry today?" He says as he places the food in front of me.

They had maple syrup on them too! AND WHIPPED CREAM.

My stomach pleaded for food and my brain was caving in.

I looked at the food with wide eyes as Liam removes the gag.

"So are we eating today or not?" He looks at me winningly.

I swallow hard, forcing myself to say no but I just nod looking at the food.

He grins as he grabs the fork and knife as cuts into the pancake. 

He holds the piece in front of me and gestures for me to open my mouth.

I close my eyes and slowly open my mouth.

Liam puts the fork in my mouth and I eat the pancake.

Even though I absolutely hated Liam feeding me but man, did that taste good! It could be the fact that I haven't had food in days, but this is one of the best pancakes I've ever had. 

Liam continues to feed me with a sickening grin which only makes me want to throw up.

"That wasn't so bad now was it?" He says with a smile as he puts the fork down.

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