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Tom sat next to Draco, finally disillusioned, it was getting annoying, so he managed to get Draco to get a compartment to himself, not that it was all that complicated to do so, all he had to do was tell the other, and the other listened. It was rather refreshing. Tom watched as the blonde was thinking. It was always fascinating to see a Malfoy's mind work through things. Abraxas had been wonderful to watch as his mind connected threads together and wove them perfectly, and he would assume that this Lucius character was the same way. It was clear that Draco was contemplating something, and Tom would bet it was Dumbledore, and what exactly they should do about him, he had already gotten Blaise to inform his father, and Draco would be informing his father soon as well.

 He really wanted to ask what exactly it was that Dumbledore had done in the seventies to require the council to do something to ban him from the Slytherin dorms. He just did not think that it was quite the time to be asking such a thing. It was quite clear that the other had a personal connection to whatever it was that had happened. Tom needed to establish more of a connection with the other before he asked something like that. Though it did not have something to do with Draco alone, it was obvious it had something to do with him at least somewhat distantly. He could only wonder exactly what it was. 

The boy surprised him, however, when the other finally spoke and it was nothing of what Tom was thinking it would be. Clearly, he had been wondering how to speak about what he was saying, and had finally managed to figure out what he should say in regards to the matter. Tom was rather flattered that the other brought the topic up with him, after all, as he was worried that Draco did not trust him enough to do this. Now, whether the boy trusted him or otherwise, was not the point. Tom knew that his older self had amassed quite the following, but he would need new followers, ones that he could trust. Draco would be a good start to that. Draco, and his friends as well. He would slowly gain followers within this generation. It would not be a fast thing, and he would need to be patient. He could be patient, yes, he could be very patient. Either way, this was a good show of faith on Draco's part, and Tom began to realize just how fun this could be. 

"I have something that I think I should say, my Lord," Draco said softly. He was hesitant, unsure, but not wavering when he spoke. Tom tilted his head lightly to the side, watching the other with dark eyes. 

"What is that?" Tom questioned the other. He watched as the boy calmed himself, trying to figure out how yet to proceed. 

"My father," He paused...shaking his head and decided to reword himself. "Before your fall, and supposed death, you entrusted my father with the journal, which we now know is how you returned, in your previous self at 16. I assume that Father was ordered to give your horcrux to someone. He chose that blood traitor girl. My father, upon your fall, managed to stay out of Azkaban by convincing the Council that he was your follower only because he was placed under the Imperious curse." Draco paused, breath held, as he watched Tom's reaction. Tom was very careful to keep his face utterly blank. "I doubt that you are necessarily pleased by my Father's actions, and I shall not attempt to condone them, it is as you see fit, but I did wish for you to know."

Tom wondered at this. The boy was telling him of his father's conduct, and essentially leaving the choice to him as to what to do with the information. He had to say, it was both a large step which to take, and incredibly smart on the other's part. That way he would not be considered complacent by hiding the information, he told Tom before he found out, that way he would not be punished for withholding information from him. 

Tom also had to consider this Lucius Malfoy. While he did not know this man, he knew Draco, and he knew Abraxas. Going off of what he knew from the both of them, he would have to assume that Lucius was similar to the two in certain ways. He thought over what it was that Draco had told him that Lucius had done, and came to the decision that he would not punish the man...yet. Assuming that he proves useful, Tom would say that it was an insightful decision. He needed followers, and he knew that there was no way that Lucius would have been able to follow through his older self's instructions had he gone to Azkaban. Still, there was no need to let the other know that. A little bit of fear did everyone good every once in a while. 

"That is certainly interesting information, Draco," Tom said simply. He did not tell Draco anything of his thoughts, merely stated the sentence as though it were a fact. There was no emotion in his voice as he stated it. He watched the boy, keen to see how he would react, but the boy did not say anything, he did not show any emotions, just watched him back. 

The boy was rather fascinating, more so than Abraxas in certain ways. This was very interesting. He liked this Malfoy. He did not shirk his eyes, he did not cower unless Tom showed his anger, he was confident in his information which he gave, even though he was hesitant at times to give it. 

"I will not do anything to your father, yet." He heard the other inhale just slightly at the last word which Tom spoke. Continuing, he kept a close eye on the boy. "However, that is assuming the other proves useful. His job on the Council will undoubtedly be vital going forwards. I wish Dumbledore to be destroyed, and your father would prove very useful in this regard. However," He stopped, leaning forwards, grabbing the other's jaw, and forcing him to look into his eyes, blue clashing with brown, both showing very little. "Do not speak of this to your father. He does not need to know how I will handle him. I wish for him to be on edge. That way he will perform better, after all. Understand?" 

"Yes, my lord." The boy's voice was quiet, but sincere. Tom hummed, and released his face, leaning back into his seat. 

"Anything else I may want to know before we see your father?"

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