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Draco could not help but shudder slightly as his father roared through the room. Well, he did not roar, but it was close enough. He could hear his footfalls before they even reached the hosptial wing, curving up the staircase. Why the Hospital Wing was up at least two flights of stairs, Draco did not know, and he honestly thought it was kind of stupid as most kids did not know how to perform a powerful enough levetation spell to actively lift a human, much less the mind to do so if they were hurt. While that did not apply for him, because he was a rather strange case, it did apply, he knew, to quite a few of the other students. Though teachers had that ability, and ideally they would use it, not everyone was able to get a hold of the teachers instantly, which was the main problem in the first place. Just yet another careless design flaw, or perhaps it was meant to entice students to call for a teacher instead of trying to handle it themselves. He was not one to judge, but he surely felt that was a bit of flawed thought process.

His father had paused, likely to speak with the Madam about what exactly had happened, though he would bet that she would be unable to answer his questions, which would undoubtedly increase his ire. He felt his hands shake slightly as his Father's footsteps moved further into the hospital wing. Fingers entwined with his own, and he glanced over to see the Dark Lord's hand encased within his, a comfort, though Draco was not sure he meant it as such it was definitely what he took it as. He squeezed the young Lord's fingers desperately, as his father's form was revealed as the curtains around the bed were thrown aside. He felt his breath catch momentarily, but managed to calm himself almost instantly as his gray ice stared into his father's cold blues. There was nothing he could do about what had happened, and he had no answers, and no defense either. He doubted that the Dark Lord would let his father do anything untowards to him in the middle of Hogwarts, or at least that is what it had seemed when they had talked earlier about their lessons continuing, but he still was nervous. Who would not be? His father was not exactly known to be kind in temper.

"Draco, not even a full day and yet I am getting a message from the school over concerns of your wellbeing. I wonder why is that?" Lucius' words were barbs, meant to sting, and they did their job quite well if Draco was being honest. He was not quite able to suppress the flinch of his father's cold statement, showing its affect on him despite his efforts. Lucius' eyes slid over to where Tom was staring at him. Though Draco did not have the willpower to glance at the Dark Lord whilst his father was before him, he could tell that Tom was doing...something...as his father's posture abruptly straightened, and his eyes flashed with annoyance, and reluctance. Draco almost felt relief. He may not know what the Dark Lord had done, but he knew that whatever it was would save him from a beating today. That was really all he could hope for, after all.

"I am afraid I just had too little sleep last night, Father, I am sure that it is nothing to be too worried over." Liar, The word came from not him, but Tom, though luckily the Dark Lord seemed more amused with his lie than annoyed. Draco had a feeling that lying was not a big deal unless it was done towards him. From what Draco had managed to not only observe, but to gather, the Dark Lord did not like liers, and hated being told misinformation, or untruths. It also did not help that he knew the moment it was done, so why anyone would bother trying, Draco did not know. When you were faced with an accomplished legilimens and you did not know how to shield your mind, or even if you could not do it well, Draco never saw the point of really lying. They would just know you were doing it anyways.

"I see," Lucius narrowed his eyes, fingers clenching on the head of his cane. Draco felt his eyes slide down to it, nervously, but managed to jerk them back up as his father continued speaking. "The nurse has advised me to allowed a few healers from St. Mungos to assess you, just in case. I regret to say that it may be wise, however I will be choosing the healers, and you would do well to keep your mouth silent on what is not necessary for them to know. I am sure I can count on you to be aware of the consequences should you not." The words were said lightly, but there was nothing in the least light about them.

"Yes, Father," He saw his father huff, gaze sliding away from the two of them, and turning his back on them.

"Good, then I will be making my leave. I do hope that you will be more careful so that these incidents do not happen in the future, because, I am quite busy, Draco, I do not have the time to continually be dragged down to the Hospital Wing because you are careless." Draco felt shame curve through his body at his father's words. The Dark Lord hummed, tapping his fingers against Draco's wrist idly, keeping the fingers entwined together. Draco was grateful that he had stayed. He did not think he could have gotten away anywhere close to as lightly had he not been there. His Father was not one to take being interrupted lightly, after all.

Draco released a breath he had not been aware of holding as his father exited the room, letting himself find some weakness he would not typically let be afforded to his person as he slumped over against the Dark Lord.

"Thank you, my Lord," Draco muttered softly, relieve flooding through his body so suddenly it nearly took his breath away from the strength of it.

"There is no need for thanks, my dear." Tom said gently, pulling his fingers out of Draco's, and pushing him back onto the bed. "Although I will say this is quite concerning. I have a feeling our distance had something to do with it. I will see what can be done about it, perhaps simply giving you a piece of my clothing, or infusing my magic in some sort of trinket to keep on you should, in theory, fix the problem of our distance causing such a severe reaction." 

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