Part 30

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True to form, Lucius replied immediately once Tom sent the letter out, something for which he was quite grateful, and it was a good thing as well, considering Tom's patience was at a quite low level compared to its usual stance. He was irate, and anxious to continue attending school. Something which it would seem that Draco shared as well. They both shared their nervousness by studiously reading every portion of their books, despite knowing a majority of the information, and browsing the Malfoy library, Tom continued to educate Draco on the Dark Arts, and was quite overjoyed that the other seemed to do quite well at the branch of magic despite not knowing much about it, though he had assumed this would be the case considering how swiftly he took the the Unforgiveables. 

"Draco, your father will be here in a few moments," Tom said, stopping the other's relentless pacing. "Are you sure that you are ready?" Draco turned to look at him, nerves clear in his eyes. He wondered if it was like this every year for the boy, but decided against questioning it. 

"Of course I am, I have spent the last several hours trying to ensure that I got everything ready." Tom hummed, accepting that answer, but also knowing that there was more to it. He was likely worried because of his father. It would be the first time he would see him in quite some time, and the last time as well. It was normal for him to be anxious about these sorts of things. He supposed that it could be far worse, and in some ways, he was glad that the elder Malfoy had little say in what he had been doing. He supposed that there was also probably some worry that Lucius would have figured out that he was practicing dark magic with Tom, something which his father had expressly forbidden, for whatever reason that was. 

Which Tom still had to address with the elder. From what Lucius claimed, breaking down the wards was going a lot slower than planned as well. Tom would just intervene, but he knew that it would keep the elder preoccupied, which was definitely important considering he could not have him butting into the plans that he had made with regards to Draco. Lucius would undoubtedly interfere with those, whether intentionally or otherwise, especially considering that he had wanted to nurture his darker tendencies, and so really this was for the best, despite the fact that his wards were taking the elder Malfoy so long sort of...irked him a little bit. 

He supposed it was merely testament as to how strong he managed to build them, so why did it irk him now that it was affecting him negatively? He supposed it was not too bad, though it was annoying that it was taking such a long time. He knew that the Malfoy would have difficulties with them, hence why he had given him the job to de-ward the house in the first place. He could not exactly fault the man for taking so long, even if he really wanted to. He had wanted better, but expected worse, so he supposed things could be worse. 

"You are worried about Lucius," Tom said simply, watching as Draco faltered in his pacing slightly, though he commended him for swiftly controlling himself and turning to look towards him with a smile. 

"What makes you possibly think that?" Draco asked him, the disarming smile on his lips still. 

"Draco," Tom said in a very clear and deadpan voice. "You have been pacing since I told you he was returning today and that was over an hour and a half ago." Draco blinked at him blankly. 

"That does not mean I am nervous. Or worried. I could just be excited and unable to do anything more with the relentless energy." Tom shook his head with an amused smile. 

"Whatever you want to tell yourself, as long as you are prepared, I suppose it does not matter what you do otherwise." Draco resumed his pacing, tapping his fingers against his leg before abruptly turning towards Tom once again. Tom tilted his head, a small amused smile still playing at his features. "Yes?" 

"Do you think Father will notice that I have been practicing dark magic when he comes in?" 

Ah, so I was right. Tom thought to himself with no small degree of smugness. You are worried about Lucius' realization. I doubt that he will notice immediately, however, though he will notice fairly quickly once we head back towards Christmas. Not something that Draco needs to know, so I will not say it, perhaps I will deign inform him later, but not yet. I feel, perhaps this information is best used later. As for the few moments when Lucius takes us to Kings Cross. I doubt it, though I suppose it is possible, Lucius is quite adept in the magical arts after all, and Draco's magicks are a lot more settled than they were when Lucius left. 

"It is possible, but there will not be much time to discuss it, whether notices or otherwise, so do not worry about it too much, alright?" Tom questioned, and he watched as Draco nodded, slowly but steadily. He was quite overjoyed with the amount of progress he had made with Draco during Lucius' absence. It was almost...fascinating really. He wondered how Lucius will react when he finds out. it will definitely be a wonderful scene, that he fully intended to be around for. 

"If you are certain," Draco said gently, but nodded once, stopping his pacing. "I suppose it is sort of useless worrying about it. It is not as though I can change anything, nor would I either way." 

"I am glad to hear that." Tom spoke, quite happy with this turn of events. "Now, let us go into the main room. Lucius will be entering that way, as I am sure that you know, come on now," he levitated their luggage effortlessly, and Draco rushed after him as he walked quickly down the stairs to the main hall. 

"Tom!" He called as he rushed after him, though he did not pause Tom did let a smile curl upon his lips, a true one. It was somewhat interesting to see just how dependent that Draco seemed to have gotten onto him. Not necessarily overly so to where he could not handle things himself, but to where he desperately wanted to keep him in his sights. It was definitely going to make Hogwarts interesting that was certain. 

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