Part 29

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Tom and Draco easily managed to get the rest of their shopping done, as they avoided the trio as much as Draco could possibly do so, which was rather effectively Tom had to admit. He supposed it was likely because the alley was quite large, and they may have started far later than the Trio, but he could not be certain. He did not know that he cared enough to look too much into it either, he had enjoyed the shocked look on that girl's face. He glanced back towards Draco once they finally finished their shopping and were safely housed in the Malfoy manor once again. He waited as Draco placed their things to the appropriate areas, taking a clear moment to appreciate that Draco did this without his prompting He was quite glad for that, and grateful, but for now he just stood and waited. 

"So, barring Harry Potter, I assume the others are his pesky friends?" Tom asked softly, slightly placing his head to the side, staring up at Draco expectantly. The latter nodded carefully. 

"Ron Weasley, the blood traitor, and Hermione Granger, the Mudblood girl." He informed dutifully. He looked back at Tom, furrowing his brows slightly. "You aren't curious about them are you?" 

"Worried I would leave and move on to someone else?" Tom questioned with a little laugh, but upon noticing the look that Draco gave him he cut it off quite quickly. He knew that the young malfoy had some slight abandonment issues, but this was ridiculous. Why would he leave his little snake for a set of lions. It was horrible logic. He was surprised the boy came to such a swift conclusion. Though it could be that he was just horribly jealous, and he found himself somewhat insecure, that could definitely happen at times. He stood, striding over to Draco swiftly with the pure intent to put this worry behind them, he did not need these things inhibiting his ability to use the younger, and, grabbing his chin and lifting it to his eyes, forced Draco once more to look at him. "Draco, I do not willingly teach anyone the unforgiveable curses you know. I trust you, to some extent, and I value you. You are quite powerful, and very capable. A wonderful student. I am not going to just leave and play with some mindless gryffindors." Tom reassured the youth. Draco did not look overly assured but he had the sense to nod and give a small, albeit hesitant, smile to the Dark Lord. Tom sighed but did not try and push the problem further. It would not get anywhere and he would only get the both of them frustrated, which was not conductive to anything. Instead he gave Draco a small laugh and pat him on the shoulder, before turning on his heel to walk up to their rooms. "Come now, let us put these in our rooms." He said simply. Draco nodded, using his wand to levitate them all and it was almost no time before they were organized to their owners rooms. 

"My Lord, if...i may ask a question." Draco hesitantly began, before Tom managed to escape into his room, causing him to pause, sigh, and lean his body against the frame of the door, staring at the young Malfoy. His gaze was unnerving, but Draco could hold it should he want to. It was just when he was nervous or anxious that he had angered or upset the other, something which Tom was beginning to notice about the youth, that he could not bear to handle the eye contact. Tom did not speak but gave a small nod to the younger and the other lit up. "I was wondering, I know you sent Father on a job for you, do you think that he will be able to get it finished by the time it is time to leave to Hogwarts? It is not too far away, and..." Draco paused, sighing heavily. "Well, Father has never really been gone this long. I do not know what to expect." Tom hummed.

Now that he had thought about it, though he did not mind as it gave him plenty more time to manipulate the young Malfoy, he was surprised that Malfoy Senior was still struggling with his task. He had known that it would be quite difficult, but barring the reports that he got weekly, he had not heard from the Malfoy about their ability yet. He seemed to be close, he had just simply thought that the Malfoy would be done by now. Perhaps it was time to take a approach. While he did not mind the Senior malfoy being out of the way, it was causing Draco distress, and worry, of some fashion. It would not be conductive to have the Malfoy miss taking them to the train either. If he was seen with not only Malfoy junior, but his father as well it would cause Tom less complications in the future. 

"I am not entirely certain, Draco dear, but I will ask him to take us to Hogwarts, you do not need to worry about that." Tom reassured, this time successfully managing to reassure the young heir who smiled and thanked him. 

He did want to know what was taking him so long, however. Tom sighed, closing his room, and sighed. The task was bound to be difficult. Of course Tom had chosen a one of the most difficult things that he could think of, but he was somewhat surprised that it had not been finished yet. Now that he thought about it, it was somewhat annoying. He supposed he should write the Malfoy and ask him to discuss with him more detailed his work.

It would be easier for him to help the Malfoy through it if he truly needed to do so. He would also have to inform the elder Malfoy of his intention to have him take the two of them to the Hogwarts Express. Upon reflecting, he would do the latter first. That way if the Malfoy senior was going purposefully slow in his work, he would speed up. It would be quite interesting to see just how far the other had gotten in decoding the wards, but he did not know if it was going to be a good thing to pull Malfoy early to take them to the Express. He would prefer it be finished before he left for school.

He may end up having to take over if the elder Malfoy proved too incompetent.

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